Interreg Sudoe - Programme Sudoe Interreg

Priority axis 2

Priority axis 2


Competitiveness of SMEs

Promoting the competitiveness and internationalization of the SMEs of Southwest Europe

The priority axis 2, Competitiveness of SMEs, is one of the five priority axis of the Interreg Sudoe Programme.


Because the productive structure of the Sudoe space is based on SMEs, which are highly relevant in the generating of employment and have a limited capacity for innovation and little access to financing. 


  1. Developing capacities for the improvement of the environment of SMEs in the Sudoe space.
  2. Improving and increasing the internationalisation of SMEs.

Types of projects

  • Strengthening business support institutions.
  • Development of new and innovating services to support business development.
  • Promoting entrepreneurship in key sectors.
  • Support for finance information activities.
  • Creation and consolidation of internationalisation support services and networks.
  • Support for the development and internationalisation of inter-business cooperation models.


First objective: public and private institutions supporting the creation and expansion of companies, public or private institutions with the capacity to provide finance and sectorial representation structures.

Second objective: institutions supporting internationalisation such as chambers of commerce, international business centres, business and commercial associations, public institutions, incubators of exporting companies and clusters.

Percentage of the total budget


19.9 million Euros


  Research and innovation




  Competitiveness of SMEs



  Low-carbon economy



  Combating climate change



  Environment and resource efficiency