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Município de Águeda

ÚLTIMA REVISIÓN: 2 de marzo de 2023

Nombre: Carlos


Idioma: Español, Portugués, Inglés

Región: Centro

Área de competencia:

Águeda is located in the central region of Portugal, with an area of approximately 335 km2 and 46131 inhabitants. As Local Authority, has experience in various areas of governance, such as the construction and maintenance of infrastructure, culture, education, sport and social work. With strong development in the area of governance, is considered a case of good practice in transparency, response capacity and efficient services. All municipal services have been certified by ISO 9001. Águeda has joined the Covenant of Mayors in 2008 and has implemented several groundbreaking initiatives in the municipality, such as: became a “Paperless Municipality” through the implementation of ICT solutions to promote the simplification of administrative procedures; free Wi-Fi access in all the city area; implementation of BeAGUEDA, a public service of shared electric bicycles that allows registered users to circulate around the Municipality. Joining the Municipality and several local companies, the LIGHTING LIVING LAB is an important initiative, which led to some innovative solutions, such as: SIGluzEE, a SIG registration of all public lighting, with wireless management of each individual lighting post on an open source platform; conversion of public lighting in LED technology, connecting each individual lighting post in a WIMAX/Wi-Fi network to control light intensity, reduce the consumption of electricity, increase the quality of lighting and improve security for its citizens. The city is known for being a green, sustainable and creative, considered (by CNN) one of the most colourful in the world! The sustainable development is transversal to all society and sectors, an effort that has been made by the municipality, recognized as a Liveable City in 2019 and one of the Top 100 sustainable destinations in the world. The investments made by the Municipality make it today recognized nationally and internationally. Innovates in the services provided and solutions, with a strong involvement of it’s community in projects like Local agenda 21, participatory budget, public participation in project development, in awareness raising sessions, among other initiatives regarding climate change, sustainable mobility, green growth, creativity or enhancing public (or natural) spaces. All of this is both a challenge and motivation to keep the hard work to implement different solutions to face our society challenges. Find out more about our city: www.cm-agueda.pt