Idioma: Francés

José Manuel Requena Benítez

The Finnova Foundation is a private, non-profit entity, with scope of action throughout the national territory of Spain, and with headquarters in Brussels, as well

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Investigador en el Área de Pastos y Cultivos Forrajeros del CICYTEX. Responsable de la Colección Activa Oficial de Leguminosas Pratenses Anuales del Banco de Germoplasma

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Kyriaki Panagiotaki

The Gers CCI is a public institution whose main objective is to support the development of local enterprises and to contribute to the economic and

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Kyriaki Panagiotaki

The Gers CCI is a public institution whose main objective is to support the development of local enterprises and to contribute to the economic and

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NBSCLIMATE we are a Spanish social enterprise that facilitates the design, evaluation, scale-up and continuous improvement of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) through the IUCN Global Standard

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Fundació Ave Maria

Institución privada sin ánimo de lucro que desde 1987 ofrece atención integral especializada a personas adultas con diversidad funcional aportando excelencia e innovación en los

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Fundación ONCE

Somos una Fundación nacida en 1988, por acuerdo del Consejo General de la ONCE (Organización de Ciegos Españoles), para contribuir a la inclusión social de

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iCognitus – IT Solutions is a software development company established in 2013 that aims to supply high-quality software products and services. iCognitus driving force is

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