Activation of the Neurorehabilitation Service in Rural Areas


Evaluation of each pilot case, analysing its social impact, the functioning of the business unit and the sustainability of each pilot. Conclusions will be drawn that may favor its future replication and a comparative economic analysis of the expenditure in each pilot versus the savings induced in public health services will be made. This savings will serve to look for public-private solutions that allow the replication of pilot experiences.


Evaluation of each pilot case, analysing its social impact, the functioning of the business unit and the sustainability of each pilot. Conclusions will be drawn that may favor its future replication and a comparative economic analysis of the expenditure in each pilot versus the savings induced in public health services will be made. This savings will serve to look for public-private solutions that allow the replication of pilot experiences.

Periodo: 2021-2027
Estado: En curso
Convocatoria : 1ª convocatoria
Project: REVITAL
Prioridad : 3 - Promover la cohesión social y el equilibrio territorial y demográfico en el Sudoe a través de la innovación social, la valorización del patrimonio y los servicios
Objetivo: OE 4.5 (…) Asistencia sanitaria / sistemas sanitarios