Damage and defect detection demonstrator.


Demonstrator of the technologies developed in GT1, specifically in the automatic detection of damage or defects in the products and materials selected in GT3. This demonstrator shall include a sensor system or systems for this purpose, in accordance with the conclusions drawn from the activities of this WG. A version of this demonstrator will be included as part of the pilot for GT2, which is the global demonstrator.


Demonstrator of the technologies developed in GT1, specifically in the automatic detection of damage or defects in the products and materials selected in GT3. This demonstrator shall include a sensor system or systems for this purpose, in accordance with the conclusions drawn from the activities of this WG. A version of this demonstrator will be included as part of the pilot for GT2, which is the global demonstrator.

Periodo: 2021-2027
Estado: En curso
Convocatoria : 1ª convocatoria
Project: REMAIN
Prioridad : 2 - Promover la cohesión social y el equilibrio territorial y demográfico en el Sudoe mediante la innovación y la transformación de los sectores productivos
Objetivo: OE 1.1 (…) Investigación / innovación