Pilot activities in WSN for prevention and early detection of forest fires.


The campaigns described in GT3 represent pioneering Pilot Activities in the application of WSN to the prevention and early detection of forest fires, highlighting the extent of the territory and the diversity of locations, the variety of meteorological and environmental sensors, the size (number of nodes) of the WSNs, the duration of the campaigns and the participation of municipal forest fire fighting services and the local population. The Pilot Activities will bring together the knowledge and experience of forest fires accumulated by the consortium, bring new knowledge, technologies and results and allow to draw conclusions and learn lessons on the performance of WSNs. The consortium will translate the know-how acquired on the occasion of the Pilot Activities in two Practical GUIDES (GP) for the application of WSN to the prevention (GP_Prevention) and the early detection (GP_Detection) of forest fires. The GPs will serve as a reference and guidance on how to use WSNs to improve the anticipation and response capacity of rural municipalities and their inhabitants to forest fires. They will address aspects such as the identification and prioritisation of fire-vulnerable zones suitable for the establishment of WSN, WSN sizing and design, WSN deployment in the field, wireless infrastructure, energy efficiency and data transmission, cost assessment, sustainability and environmental impact, physical and information security, citizen participation and others. ICIFOR-INIA CSIC will lead the development of the GPs in which the entire consortium will be involved. A preliminary version of the GPs will be delivered in month 18 and the final version in month 34 of the Project.


The campaigns described in GT3 represent pioneering Pilot Activities in the application of WSN to the prevention and early detection of forest fires, highlighting the extent of the territory and the diversity of locations, the variety of meteorological and environmental sensors, the size (number of nodes) of the WSNs, the duration of the campaigns and the participation of municipal forest fire fighting services and the local population. The Pilot Activities will bring together the knowledge and experience of forest fires accumulated by the consortium, bring new knowledge, technologies and results and allow to draw conclusions and learn lessons on the performance of WSNs. The consortium will translate the know-how acquired on the occasion of the Pilot Activities in two Practical GUIDES (GP) for the application of WSN to the prevention (GP_Prevention) and the early detection (GP_Detection) of forest fires. The GPs will serve as a reference and guidance on how to use WSNs to improve the anticipation and response capacity of rural municipalities and their inhabitants to forest fires. They will address aspects such as the identification and prioritisation of fire-vulnerable zones suitable for the establishment of WSN, WSN sizing and design, WSN deployment in the field, wireless infrastructure, energy efficiency and data transmission, cost assessment, sustainability and environmental impact, physical and information security, citizen participation and others. ICIFOR-INIA CSIC will lead the development of the GPs in which the entire consortium will be involved. A preliminary version of the GPs will be delivered in month 18 and the final version in month 34 of the Project.

Periodo: 2021-2027
Estado: En curso
Convocatoria : 1ª convocatoria
Project: SenForFire
Prioridad : 2 - Promover la cohesión social y el equilibrio territorial y demográfico en el Sudoe mediante la innovación y la transformación de los sectores productivos
Objetivo: OE 1.1 (…) Investigación / innovación