Pilot for the deployment of the initial test prototype of the system


This initial deployment serves as a work base to test the different processes of data acquisition, model capacity, simulation of polluting processes, etc. Once the prototype phase is completed, the deployment in the pool of the Institute of Thermalism of the Univ de Bordeaux will be the first pilot.


This initial deployment serves as a work base to test the different processes of data acquisition, model capacity, simulation of polluting processes, etc. Once the prototype phase is completed, the deployment in the pool of the Institute of Thermalism of the Univ de Bordeaux will be the first pilot.

Periodo: 2021-2027
Estado: En curso
Convocatoria : 1ª convocatoria
Prioridad : 2 - Promover la cohesión social y el equilibrio territorial y demográfico en el Sudoe mediante la innovación y la transformación de los sectores productivos
Objetivo: OE 1.1 (…) Investigación / innovación