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RuralBoost – Revitalize rural areas through entrepreneurship in endogenous resources and diversification of products and services provided

ÚLTIMA REVISIÓN: 13 de febrero de 2023

Institución: Universidade Lusófona - Research Center for Biosciences & Health Technologies


Región: Area de Metropolitana de Lisboa

Nombre: Leandro


RuralBoost aims to revitalize rural areas through the creation of pedestrian routes that include visits to producers of endogenous products, namely dried fruits and aromatic herbs, and includes activities to value these products and an entrepreneurship program for the creation of new products and services capable of promoting job creation and attracting young people to rural areas.

The project will rely on academic partners and research institutions (including a skills center and an innovation hub) capable of valuing endogenous products and training for entrepreneurship. Producer SMEs, including young farmers, and processors that will provide by-products of their productive activities and that will contribute to the pedestrian routes. Municipal and tourism-related entities that will assist in the development and implementation of pedestrian routes, as well as associations capable of serving as a link between the other partners, meeting their needs and identifying key collaboration points. They will also be responsible for disclosing the project to stakeholders. In this way, we intend to create 6 pedestrian routes and the development of 20 new products from the by-products of the production of dried fruits and aromatic and medicinal plants. In addition, we intend to train 100 stakeholders for sustainable development and entrepreneurship in rural areas. Of those trained, 10 will be invited to participate in a program to accelerate ideas for creating their own jobs and settling in rural areas, resulting in the creation of 10 jobs/new companies.

Note: the sectors of activity (dry fruits and aromatic plants) can be changed according to the needs of the partners.


Perfil Beneficiario:

  • Any eligible country.
  • Entities capable of developing pedestrian trails;
  • Entities capable of developing mobile applications, software;
  • Entities that work with unemployed people or have the capacity to mobilize them for training.

Idioma: PRT