
Pilot or mini-pilots of the “Tool Box” (A3.3): Brief experimentation of innovative technologies or services in the market or with sufficient technological maturity, as well as process innovations or care models. “Soft evaluation” methodology. (1 pilot action implemented in the 7 care beneficiaries, INTRAS, GSS, HEALTH, DIPBI, CHUB, PM, IPO).


Pilot or mini-pilots of the “Tool Box” (A3.3): Brief experimentation of innovative technologies or services in the market or with sufficient technological maturity, as well as process innovations or care models. “Soft evaluation” methodology. (1 pilot action implemented in the 7 care beneficiaries, INTRAS, GSS, HEALTH, DIPBI, CHUB, PM, IPO).

Periodo: 2021-2027
Estado: En curso
Convocatoria : 1ª convocatoria
Project: HENKO NET
Prioridad : 3 - Promover la cohesión social y el equilibrio territorial y demográfico en el Sudoe a través de la innovación social, la valorización del patrimonio y los servicios
Objetivo: OE 4.5 (…) Asistencia sanitaria / sistemas sanitarios