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Experts and Entrepreneurs Meet in Aveiro to Promote Remanufacturing and Innovation as Part of the REMAIN Project

The meeting took place on October 15 at the Institute of Employment and Professional Training in Aveiro.

The event began with a meeting between the members of the European consortium. Following this meeting, a group of Portuguese experts and entrepreneurs gathered in Aveiro to promote remanufacturing and innovation through the European REMAIN project (Robotic REMAnufacturing of Deformable INdustrial Products). The business meeting took place on October 15 at the Institute of Employment and Professional Training in Aveiro.

The consortium meeting started with presentations from experts at the University of Coimbra (UC) and the University of Alicante (UA), who delved into the potential implementation of specific methodologies for detecting and classifying defects in manufactured products. Additionally, the study of various types of sensors, focusing on sensory and detection technology, was introduced.

Robotics in remanufacturing projects plays a key role in optimizing production processes. SMA-RTY and CA-INP led discussions on robotic perception, robotic control, and the definition of the characteristics required for the pilot robot, which is expected to be developed as part of the project.

UNIZAR showcased the latest steps in relation to multi-robot object transport using different deformation modes. Inescop also discussed the necessary hardware and software, as well as financial aspects of the project. FICE provided updates on the communication and dissemination efforts of the REMAIN project to ensure the monitoring of these tasks.

Business Workshop

In the second part of the meeting, an afternoon workshop was held with Portuguese companies. The program began with a welcome speech by Elisabete Rita, Executive Vice President of AIDA CCI (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Aveiro District), who spoke about the industrial potential and capacity of Aveiro. The seminar began with the first working group, where Inescop representatives addressed the progress made in the REMAIN project regarding recurring defects and defect preselection within the remanufacturing process.

Business leaders were introduced to the REMAIN project and the concept of remanufacturing, with the aim of integrating it as part of a company’s business model. FICE presented a video about the REMAIN project and the opportunities it offers to reduce waste and the environmental impact generated by industrial activity. The workshop served as a platform for exchanging experiences and knowledge between the European project partners and Portuguese companies.

REMAIN Project

REMAIN is part of the Interreg Sudoe program, the Territorial Cooperation Program for the Southwestern European Space, which supports regional development through the co-financing of transnational projects via the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

This initiative aims to promote sustainability in the footwear, textile, and furniture sectors. The REMAIN project is led by INESCOP – Footwear Technology Center, and includes the participation of the Spanish Federation of Footwear Industries (FICE), AIDA CCI, the Universities of Alicante, Clermont Auvergne INP, Coimbra, and Zaragoza; as well as the Spanish company Automatic Control Numerical SL, the French company SMA-RTY, and the social association Proyecto LĂ¡zaro as a collaborating entity.

The goal of this initiative is to promote sustainability in industry, with a particular focus on the footwear, textile, and furniture sectors. These industries are known for producing commonly used products with short life cycles, which generate a significant amount of waste. Therefore, the project seeks to introduce remanufacturing as part of the business model, thus reducing waste and environmental impact.