The BIO4RES team in Navarra has participated in the ‘Biomass Wednesdays’, a cycle of conferences organised by the Biomass Office of Navarra to promote the use of biomass as a sustainable energy resource. This initiative, held between 25 September and 20 November 2024, included technical visits to innovative installations, heat networks and benchmark projects in the community, as well as panels of experts who facilitated the exchange of experiences among the 177 participants.
The ‘Biomass Wednesdays’ cycle was led by the Government of Navarra and coordinated by Nasuvinsa (through the Lursarea Agency). The activities have allowed local success stories to be made visible and fostered collaboration between key entities in the sector. To close the programme, a conference was held on 20 November at the National Reference Centre for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency (CENIFER) in Imárcoain. During this meeting, representatives from the public and private sectors reflected on the strategic role of biomass in the energy transition in Navarre. In addition, the draft of the Biomass Strategic Plan was presented, a document that includes the priority actions to promote its use in the region.
BIO4RES took part in various activities throughout the cycle and participated in the closing day. These sessions have represented an opportunity to consolidate the presence of the project in the promotion of the use of biomass, especially in its application for the prevention of forest fires and the decarbonisation of the rural environment. With its participation, BIO4RES reaffirms its commitment to the development of sustainable solutions that integrate renewable energy, rural development and circular economy.
One of the highlights of the programme was a visit to the heat network of the Ultzama Town Council, a facility recognised as a good practice within the framework of Working Group 1 (WG1) of the BIO4RES project. This network uses wood from the local communal forest to power its boilers, promoting an energy model based on local resources and low environmental impact.