Calendar of calls for projects

Interreg Sudoe projects receive ERDF funding through calls for projects. 

The calendar below sets out the planned calls. It is provided on a provisional basis, as some elements may be adjusted as the programme develops.

Calls for projects

Types of calls for projects

Open priorities (specific objectives)

Opening year

1st call for projects

Traditional projects

1, 2, 3 (except SO 4.1)


2nd call for projects

Traditional projects

1, 2, 3


3rd call for projects

Key projects

1 (SO 2.4) 3 (SO 4.5)


ISO call for projects

Key projects

4 (ISO 6.6)


How does a call for projects work?

Any entity interested in cooperation within the Interreg Sudoe Programme must submit an application in response to a call for projects. 

Calls for projects under the Interreg Sudoe programme generally take place in two competitive phases. In the first phase, the partnership must submit a project proposal. 

The Monitoring Committee analyses the applications in the light of the admissibility, eligibility and selection criteria. All applications are scored and, depending on their ranking and the amount of ERDF funding available, some of them are allowed to move on to the second phase.

A complete application form (description of activities, financial plan, etc.) must be submitted in the second phase. The Monitoring Committee re-analyses the applications using the same method as in the first phase. 

This is a competitive phase: the evaluation and scoring process is repeated in its entirety. In other words, the “counters are reset to zero” and the application is ranked anew in the light of the entire dossier submitted. 

Finally, the applications with the highest ranking are programmed, based on the amount of ERDF available. 

For more information, please consult paragraphs 8 and 15 of the official texts of the calls for projects

Applications must be submitted exclusively via the Interreg Sudoe programme’s IT application, eSudoe 2127. Check out the general description of the IT application on this page.

Applications must be submitted in the 3 working languages of the Interreg Sudoe programme: Spanish, French and Portuguese. 

On the closing date of the call for projects (1st and 2nd phases), the application must be submitted in the language of the lead partner. Translations into other languages must normally be submitted within 7 days.

CoopSudoe is the virtual community of the Interreg Sudoe programme from which you can find partners to build your project or consult the proposed project ideas. Read the general description of CoopSudoe on this page and register now to start cooperating!

The authorities of the Interreg Sudoe programme are organising online and remote events to present the calls for projects and answer the doubts of project promoters. 

You will find the recordings of the events organised during the first call for projects on this page. 

The events planned for the second call for projects are announced on this page. Page 2nd call.