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Dalia Loureiro

Job: Researcher
Entity Name: National Laboratory of Civil Engineering
Countries: Portugal

Dália Loureiro, PhD, Senior Researcher at LNEC’s Hydr. & Env. Dept, expertise in hydraulic modelling (chlorine decay modelling in transient regime), statistical demand modelling (burst detection, demand clustering), water and energy efficiency management in water supply systems, and performance assessment in urban and collective irrigation water systems. Coordination in 10 of 22 R&D projects (e.g., EU (5), FCT(6)) and 11 of 26 consultancy studies. Experience in Supervision (4 PhD, 15MSc). Serves as President of CESA Commission, from APRH association, and SC04-CT90 Standardisation National Commission. 200+ publications (45+ WoS/Scopus papers & 100+ conference papers, books and chapters book).