Gemma García Zato

Job: Coordinadora Estrategia Investigación Internacional
Entity Name: Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU
Countries: Spain
Languages: Spanish

Universidad San Pablo-CEU (USP), the University taking part in this proposal, is a relatively small, specialized university founded in Madrid in 1993. University structures its studies on three main fields of knowledge:

– Three Faculties for Social sciences and humanities: Law, Economics, Humanities and Communication.
– Two Faculties for Health and life sciences: Medicine and Pharmacy. Agreement with Sanitas Group, Viamed and Vithas, three one of the main Health Insurance companies in Spain.
– Architecture and Engineering: Polytechnic School.

Key facts and figures:
• 1050 teaching and research staff: 46% of them are women, 58% hold a PhD. 2,7% of researchers from outside Spain.
• 8180 undergraduate students; 1143 official Master students. 394 Doctoral students.

Research at USP:

USP facilities include 8 Research Centers and 11 Core Research Facilities, which sum an area of 3400 m2 devoted to research. University has 64 Competitive Research Groups with a total of 618 researchers.

The following annual data stand out for the academic year 22-23:

– 69 active competitive research projects with external funding
– 11 internally funded research projects
– 53 research contracts with private sector
– 10 Research Chairs
– 8 patent applications, 2 utility models and 3 trademarks.

USP International Research Project office was created in 2017, therefore University has a recent track record of participation in Framework Programme.

During Horizon 2020 Programme (2014-2020) FUSP-CEU was awarded 7 projects. Under Horizon Europe, FUSP-CEU has been awarded 3 projects up to date. In addition to Framework Programme projects, USP is working on 7 projects from different programs such as Erasmus+, Connecting Europe Facility (CET), EURAMET, EJP-RD and MSCA4U programs.