Sara Sama Acedo

Job: Profesora contratada doctor
Entity Name: Departamento de Antropología Social y Cultural. Facultad de Filosofía. UNED
Countries: Spain
Languages: Spanish, Portuguese

Entre mis recientes proyectos de investigación se encuentran: I+D+i ECOEMEBEDDNESS- (PID2019-106757GA-I00) del que soy IP y desde el que abordamos las diferentes prácticas y discursos que dan sentido a las llamadas “economías transformadoras” en un contexto de urgencia ecosocial. Anteriormente he trabajado desde el I+D+i COSMOMAD- (CSO2012-33949) investigando las convergencias entre la ciudad y las TICs combinando técnicas audiovisuales y de lo digital.
Entre mis principales intereses actuales de investigación se encuentran cuestiones que tienen que ver con la adaptación y resistencia de las poblaciones e instituciones frente al cambio climático y crisis ecosocial, así como con la reconfiguración de las relaciones sociedad-naturaleza en estos contextos (ej. habitat, redes alimentarias alternativas, proyectos comunitarios de renaturalización etc.)

Interested in: Be part of a project
Areas of competence: Access to water, Adaptation to climate change, Health care, Cyber-support, Social cohesion and territorial balance, Pollution, Territorial cooperation, Job creation, Capacity building for smart specialisation, industrial transition, entrepreneurship and business adaptability to change, Circular economy, Social economy and social enterprises, Entrepreneurship, Active ageing, Smart specialisation and industrial transition, Water management, Equal opportunities and active participation in society, Fires, Digital inclusion, Inclusion and social innovation, Innovation, Social innovation, the valorisation of heritage and services, Innovation, technology transfer, Improved air quality and noise reduction, Nature protection and conservation, Provision of local and family care services, Landslide prevention, Flood prevention, SME innovation processes (processes, organisation, marketing, co-creation, and user-centred and demand-driven innovation), Nature and biodiversity protection, heritage and natural resources, green and blue infrastructures, Protection, development and promotion of public tourism assets and tourism services, Protection, development and promotion of cultural heritage and cultural services, Protection, restoration and sustainable use of Natura 2000 sites, Recovery of natural spaces and resources, Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the field of conservation and restoration of natural areas (re-wetting of wetlands, landfill gas capture, etc.)., Remediation of industrial sites and contaminated land, Reuse of materials, reduction and recovery of waste, Droughts, IT services and applications for digital skills and e-inclusion, Transformation of productive sectors, Technology transfer, Transition from institutional care to the family and local level, Sustainable tourism