LIVHES responds to a European need and a territorial challenge shared by the sparsely populated areas of southern Europe: find and implement new formulas for
LIVHES responds to a European need and a territorial challenge shared by the sparsely populated areas of southern Europe: find and implement new formulas for
Phyto-management is a phytotechnology, arising from phytoremediation, based on the use of plants (trees, shrubs, herbaceous) to control the risk associated with the presence of
The Important Systems of World Agricultural Heritage (GIAHS), recognized by FAO, are unique and singular agricultural systems that have a valuable and diverse agricultural, landscape,
GREENTOUR addresses 3 innovation actions framed within a transregional grouping model to take advantage of the flow and exchange of information: • includes methodologies and
The agricultural systems of the SUDOE territory must undertake innovative changes to guarantee quality food production while minimizing negative impacts on the environment. The main
“Local Fleurs” proposes concrete responses to the massive loss of biodiversity, accelerated by climate change: adaptation of restoration protocols to Mediterranean environments and construction of
BIOHERITAGE contributes to the protection of indigenous livestock breeds as crucial parts of our protected natural areas. In this sense, BIOHERITAGE provides management tools for
PROBIOMASSE develops integrated management models for forest biomass which include all the value chain aspects in order to make out the most of the forest
SustForestPlus promotes the economic sector of natural resin within Europe: it provides solutions to satisfy the existing demand of the industry and generated stable employment
To satisfy their vital needs and to face consequences of the global change, the vegetals and animals species need high-quality and conected naturals habitats. CERES