Idioma proyecto 27: English

Pilot 1 of the RESINSURF Project: Hard Chrome without Cr(VI)

El PILOTO 1 del proyecto RESINSURF evalúa dos formulaciones para el TRATAMIENTO de superficies de ACERO, ambas libres de cromo hexavalente (Cr(VI)). Se probará una fórmula comercial y otra desarrollada por INEOSURF, buscando proporcionar dureza y resistencia a la corrosión. Además, se implementarán métodos de MONITORIZACIÓN para asegurar la CALIDAD de las piezas tratadas. Este piloto, en colaboración con CIDETEC, INEOSURF y la Universidad de Pau, se validará en Chrome Dur Industriel, promoviendo alternativas más seguras y sostenibles en el TERRITORIO SUDOE.

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Smart Green Water | Difusión de soluciones innovadoras y desarrollo de capacidades para el riego inteligente

El proyecto Smart Green Water tiene como objetivo implementar estrategias de especialización inteligente para un sector agrícola más sostenible y resiliente, enfrentando los retos climáticos actuales. Los socios de Francia, España y Portugal colaboran en la digitalización de la agricultura, buscando optimizar el uso del agua y mejorar la eficiencia en la gestión de recursos hídricos.

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Piloto 2: Aluminum surface treatment without Cr

Pilot 2: TRADITIONAL PROTECTION of ALUMINUM alloys uses layers containing HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM, a TOXIC chemical. Due to restrictions in Europe, safer ALTERNATIVES are being sought, such as tartaric-sulfuric and boric-sulfuric ANODIZING, which do not contain chromium. In this project, TWO completely CHROMIUM-FREE METHODS will be developed and optimized: a tartaric-sulfuric anodic layer and conversion coatings, which improve the metal’s corrosion resistance. Additionally, CORROSION INHIBITORS will be tested and methods will be implemented to control the quality of treatments applied to metal parts.

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Much of the industrial fabric in the SUDOE space belongs to traditionally manufacturing sectors characterised by small and medium-sized companies that have a low technological

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AgroTour SUDOE

R The primary sector in the rural areas of the Sudoe area, in addition to bringing together a very important part of its fabric, represents

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Implementation of thematic pilot experience on the GT2 Strategy in Spain, Portugal and France

The HITTS project will develop 1 pilot experience of the Strategy developed in WG2 with different thematic focus in each country (1 in Spain, 1 in France and 1 in Portugal). All pilot actions will share common and other distinctive elements, depending on the characteristics of each territory, its potential and needs and the existence of a different national reference framework. Each territory will test common elements of the Strategy necessary to achieve the desired socio-economic development. In this regard, the common part tested by all partners will include the development of a participatory governance system (A3.1); design of an action plan translating the strategy into concrete measures (A3.2) and training for local actors (A3.3). The thematic pilot experience will be different in each territory: — Spain (PP1, PP2, PP3) – Readaptive Wealth Use Approach: promote, condition and adapt cultural and natural heritage to ensure universal access to certain identified elements or goods. — France (PP7, PP8) – Mobilisation of actors for the creation of tourist, artistic and cultural activities for the revitalisation of the cultural and natural heritage of a common protected area. — Portugal (PP5,PP6) – Readaptation of the natural heritage of the lizards and conditioning of the hiking routes in Montalegre. These actions will be very important for HITTS, as key and common elements of the strategy can be tested in real environments with their uniqueness and themes. The results obtained will serve to collect improvements to be integrated into the Strategy based on the aspects tested in the SUDOE territory.

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