Idioma proyecto 27: English

Ensayo clínico multicéntrico aleatorizado

Conduct of a randomised multicenter clinical trial with intervention and control group in 300 elderly patients of the Geriatric/Internal Medicine service in the hospitals participating in the project. The hospital care model of the HUN Geriatrics Service has demonstrated, through scientific evidence, the prevention of disability generated during hospitalisation in 60 % of patients who perform the individualised exercise program. Starting from the basis of this model, and seeking its optimisation, an innovative hospital care model will be developed jointly that will be implemented in HDFF (Portugal), CHU-T (France), SAAS (Andorra) and HUN (Spain). The design of the clinical trial will take into account the needs, possibilities and characteristics of each hospital for its implementation and subsequent follow-up after 3 months of the intervention, in order to assess the adherence and the results of the practice of physical exercise and adoption of healthy habits. This pilot activity will begin with the joint elaboration of the protocol, and, after its approval by the different Ethical Committees, the recruitment of patients in the 3 hospitals that will be randomised through a blind procedure (month 7) will begin. The duration of the clinical trial is estimated at 2 years, and once completed, the results analysis will be carried out. The results of this pilot activity tested in the three hospitals will allow the development of a solution that can be easily transferred to other hospitals in different territories. The implementation of this pilot activity in three hospitals in different countries and regions brings added value to the results, since it includes a heterogeneous population with different social and economic characteristics of the SUDOE territory and with different health systems, increasing the impact of the results at a scientific level with social and political impact.

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Activation of the Neurorehabilitation Service in Rural Areas

Evaluation of each pilot case, analysing its social impact, the functioning of the business unit and the sustainability of each pilot. Conclusions will be drawn that may favor its future replication and a comparative economic analysis of the expenditure in each pilot versus the savings induced in public health services will be made. This savings will serve to look for public-private solutions that allow the replication of pilot experiences.

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Pilot project of the Dynamization Hub and Stop on the Road concept

Joint design and definition of a pilot project for proof of the concept of dynamisation hubs and stops on the CaS Road. The pilot will be developed in 5 territories: 1 in Portugal, 3 in Spain and 1 in France, to ensure the representativeness of the Sudoe collaboration area. Dynamisation Hub: Working group to carry out, among others, the mapping of key actors, the involvement of key stakeholders, a strategic analysis, the development of methodology and work plan, the measurement of impact, the collection of lessons learned and replicability models to other territories. The stop on the Camino will be a physical and virtual place where you can taste, acquire and send typical agri-food products, artisans and creatives. It will offer cultural, tourist, environmental and leisure information in a physical and virtual way, with connections to the network, and collect evaluations of products and services. It will serve as a meeting point between the inhabitants of rural areas and visitors and users of the roads. This pilot project will be based on the collaboratively designed common strategy and will monitor its simultaneous implementation in the 5 selected territories (A3.2 and A3.3). The information obtained from this development will serve to continuously improve the final version of the common strategy and action plan.

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Pilot experiences

The different pilot experiences are structured into three groups, each identified with a theme and leading to a solution: The first group (digitalisation) will generate a solution in terms of digitisation of the agrotourism experience (demand) and improvement of business competitiveness (offer). — New digital technologies (mixed and augmented reality) for the creation of immersive agrotouristic experiences (CDA24). — Intelligent data management system (Smart Data) for the improvement of the competitiveness of agrotourism companies from the improvement of customer knowledge and the subsequent segmentation of products and tourism experiences. The second group (environmental sustainability) will generate a solution of valorisation and differentiation of agrotouristic products with low environmental impact: — Creation of tourist itineraries aimed at sustainable development and promotion of km0 agri-food products (CRTLO) and connection with environmental protection figures (products of the Biosphere Reserve, in the case of the RBOV). — Creation of a digital product passport with information on environmental footprint, origin, quality certifications, etc. (CIM VDL). The third group (segmentation of audiences) will generate innovative experiences adapted to different audiences particularly suitable for the agrotourism sector: — Agrotourism experiences designed for children and youth audiences of urban origin (F. Ávila), including collaboration in traditional trades. — Valuation of agri-food products among hikers (CDA09), both in destination (Ariège) and origin (concept store in Toulouse). — Design of agrotourism circuits for urban family audiences (SODEBUR), including intangible heritage associated with traditional rural life. The project therefore plans to develop a total of three pilot actions within the framework of RCO84.

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Development of socio-cultural innovation and sustainable development clusters

The pilot action of WG3 is the most ambitious of the three developed in the project as it focuses on the definition of effective knowledge transfer mechanisms to make the cultural heritage of mountain landscapes a lever of development for the territories. The transfer is usually located as the last stage of the patrimonialisation processes and often does not materialise, or only in a very partial and institutionalised way, which generates in the end many equipment/equity resources practically abandoned, without a real use and exploitation, that languish and deteriorate quickly because the local population and the territorial actors do not really know them or consider them as their own. This pilot action aims to respond to this problem, completely turning it around from the processes of social innovation. Cultur-MONTS is committed to working on the transfer of heritage from the beginning of the project, placing as protagonists, and active agents of change, local communities, authorities, institutions and territorial actors (especially economic actors). This is how it is intended to test the application of methods of participation, such as “the path of impact”, through the promotion of formal spaces (physical or virtual) of encounter between all the agents involved: the clusters of sociocultural innovation and sustainable development. The idea that local communities express from the beginning what is the impact they expect from the project: what would you like to see achieved with CULTUR-MONTS; and from here, together with the consortium, determine what are the results to achieve and the best tools to achieve them.

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Memory and orality laboratories for the safeguarding and enhancement of intangible heritage

Pilot action organised in 5 analysis windows aimed at the experimental impulse of memory laboratories to recover, preserve, value and transmit the intangible heritage linked to mountain cultural landscapes. Knowledge, doings, activities, traditional trades are at critical risk of disappearance in mountain environments due to the strong impact of population ageing, the demographic crisis and the lack of generational renewal in mountain exploitation activities, as well as the loss of intergenerational transmission of all oral heritage that explains legends, collective memories, traditions, names of places, transit roads, folk songs; an intangible human heritage, but indispensable, to understand the cultural and heritage dimension of mountain landscapes and that is irrecoverable once the voices of the senior population are extinguished. The pilot action also focuses on a historical vacuum in relation to the intangible heritage of mountain environments, especially if we talk about pastoralism and transhumance: the invisibility of women in this heritage. The pilot addresses this problem in a clear way with the aim of recovering and claiming the orality, knowledge and feminine practices in the mountain environments of the consortium, which is also the way to dignify the activities of domestic cure and terea that have historically fallen to women and have been underestimated in the whole ethnographic and intangible heritage of agropastoralism and the exploitation of the mountain. Finally, the pilot action allows to define and test a joint methodology deployed through the laboratories that are conceived to be able to give them continuity beyond the project and be easily transferable. It highlights the work in favor of the transmissibility of orality and the testing of mechanisms to reproduce it within the community.

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Inclusive mechanisms for enhancing the heritage of mountain cultural landscapes

Pilot action articulated in 5 analysis windows that make up a territorial transect by different Sudoe mountain landscapes, with diverse geographical and heritage characteristics. The pilot action makes it possible to propose and test various methodological proposals for valorisation, as well as devices for the digitisation of heritage or its virtualisation through 3D models. The pilot windows work complementary problems between them and carry out demonstration actions also cooperatives that aim to evaluate the best solutions for each type of landscape and heritage. Physical signage solutions are compared with virtual formulas, still little extended, but that allow to analyse non-invasive methodologies for the patrimonialisation of cultural landscapes. An important aspect that also addresses this pilot action is the incorporation of technological devices and inclusive museographic supports, which allow to make accessible all the valuable heritage to society as a whole, especially to people with disabilities who are usually without tools to enjoy the cultural heritage under equal conditions, especially if it is outdoors and not in a museum. The pilot action will not only test the most appropriate tools to patrimonialise, but also aims to evaluate the impact of the existence of these inclusive resources on groups with blindness or visual deficit when performing activities of discovery of the landscape, which we perceive mainly by sight.

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Implementation of thematic pilot experience on the GT2 Strategy in Spain, Portugal and France

The HITTS project will develop 1 pilot experience of the Strategy developed in WG2 with different thematic focus in each country (1 in Spain, 1 in France and 1 in Portugal). All pilot actions will share common and other distinctive elements, depending on the characteristics of each territory, its potential and needs and the existence of a different national reference framework. Each territory will test common elements of the Strategy necessary to achieve the desired socio-economic development. In this regard, the common part tested by all partners will include the development of a participatory governance system (A3.1); design of an action plan translating the strategy into concrete measures (A3.2) and training for local actors (A3.3). The thematic pilot experience will be different in each territory: — Spain (PP1, PP2, PP3) – Readaptive Wealth Use Approach: promote, condition and adapt cultural and natural heritage to ensure universal access to certain identified elements or goods. — France (PP7, PP8) – Mobilisation of actors for the creation of tourist, artistic and cultural activities for the revitalisation of the cultural and natural heritage of a common protected area. — Portugal (PP5,PP6) – Readaptation of the natural heritage of the lizards and conditioning of the hiking routes in Montalegre. These actions will be very important for HITTS, as key and common elements of the strategy can be tested in real environments with their uniqueness and themes. The results obtained will serve to collect improvements to be integrated into the Strategy based on the aspects tested in the SUDOE territory.

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Pilot actions

The implementation of the 3 pilot actions contributes to the RCO84 Programme Implementation Indicator. Pilot action number 1 will consist of the creation and implementation of an energy community in the town of Bembibre, which will also study the implementation of the results of pilot action number 2 and 3 in order to replicate a sustainable mobility system based on green hydrogen as an engine and take advantage of possible surpluses for the distribution of natural gas. Action number 2 will integrate a self-consumption system and test a hydrogen bike system that will be tested in both Bembibre and Portalegre. Action 3 shall launch a demonstration laboratory in which application simulations will be carried out to adopt solutions to real cases: conversion of traffic, distribution of natural gas, modernisation of agricultural transport, etc.

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Business & Technology Pilot

In France, a global industrial solution for textile waste recycling based on WASTEX technology and partnership with coleo will be implemented. This pilot has the industrial and organizational capacity of the members of RECYCL’Occ Textile. In Portugal, Texteis Penedo and CITEVE will develop new fibres from textile waste. The pilot in Portugal will process textile waste from TEXTEIS PENEDO and local agro-industrial waste in a bio-based formulation used to coat yarns, using a patented Jacquard fabric PP8 technology, to develop textile structures for home textile applications. In Spain, coleo will train partners from France, Spain and Portugal in post-consumer textile waste sorting technology. The waste streams that reach the processing plants will be analysed to characterise the type of waste and establish joint recovery and recovery priorities.

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