Idioma proyecto 27: English


Pilot 1a: Reverse osmosis system in Tiñosillos (Spain) for the removal of nitrates, pesticides, and contaminants, combined with 3D-printed electrochemical reactors and renewable energy sources to produce ozone and disinfect water.
Pilot 1b: Nanofiltration system in Nogales (Spain) for the reduction of trihalomethanes and disinfection by-products, combined with 3D technology for ozone production.
Pilot 1c: Pilot reverse osmosis plant in Elvas (Portugal) designed for the removal of arsenic in areas with high contamination levels.

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Pilot actions

The GT2 contains the demonstration of 3 pilot actions (in large blocks, although they would be more considering the small variations) that implement new devices and offer new services in different areas of the SUDOE. All of them have an experimental and demonstrative character. Its monitoring (A.2.4) will make it possible to test, evaluate and demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of its application. The results and practices of these pilot actions will be exploited and transferred to other institutions and territories through A.2.5. Collaboration between all partners will be indispensable, enabling pilot actions to be jointly developed and operated in different countries. All of them will be completed during the implementation of the project sufficiently in advance to allow the exploitation and evaluation of the demonstrative character during the project.

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Pilot Activities Use of Reclaimed Water in Irrigation

Implementation of two pilot actions in woody and horticultural crops, with 13 and 2 experiences respectively, in which to evaluate the effects of the use of regenerated water in irrigation, represent a basic tool for the implementation of technological solutions that facilitate the management of irrigation water (conventional and regenerated sources) through the digitisation of irrigation, providing starting information and tools for the end user, transferable to other crops and socio-economic and cultural situations. The good management of regenerated water in the crops is ensured by the implementation of a DSS of crop fertigation (GT3), based on the analyses (soil, water, plant tissues) and the information of the low-cost sensoric installed in each experience.

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Testing of pilot solutions for adaptation, prevention and mitigation

Under the An-Gel Sudoe project, 8 pilot areas have been selected: Lleida, Lot-et-Garonne, Bordeaux, Dordogne (x2), Rioja Alavesa, Murcia and Braganza. In each of these areas, work will be carried out in collaboration with a group of associated producers, either using farms under real production conditions or involving them in the technical follow-up of the tests. The prevention, adaptation and mitigation techniques to be tested will be (activities 2.1 and 2.2): — High precision foliar spraying (active solution). — Active ventilation (active solution). — Soil moisture management (semi-passive solution, linked to high-precision spraying, but strategically applied in a preventive and non-reactive manner). — Soil cover management — Hot hedges (passive solution). — Convective drainage of cold air — Late pruning of vines to delay the appearance of frost (solution intended to minimise the destructive effects of frost). The final solution will be the use of one of these techniques or a possible combination of several of them to adapt perfectly to the constraints of farmers in a given area. For example, a cold-breaker hedge can be used to limit the flow of cold air in the plot (passive solution), combined with controlling soil moisture by influencing the vegetation cover or by high-precision spraying (in the foliage) a few days before frost (semi-passive solution) or, if necessary, during intense frost episodes (active solution), if water resources are available. Therefore, it is considered a single solution, as it is conceived as a “toolbox” that allows combining different techniques to offer effective solutions according to the particular context of the different farms participating in the project as pilot centres.

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Phosphate monitoring pilot jointly developed and executed in 6 SUDOE territories

Realisation 2 of Phos4Cycle seeks to establish pilot actions to improve the monitoring of phosphate flows and the forecasting of the risk of eutrophication in the river basins. It will also allow to describe the behavior of phosphorus according to different types of agricultural management in different production systems. For this purpose, a global pilot has been designed to be implemented in 6 territorial pilots (“sub”pilots) in Spain, France and Portugal. The design of the general pilot has been carried out by the BP ITAGRA, and coordinated on the one hand with the other 5 partners who together with ITAGRA will apply the design in the 6 territorial pilots, and on the other hand, with the 2 beneficiaries in charge of the analysis of soil, water and sediment samples, No 8 AQUACorp and No 9 ADERA. Each territorial pilot will be developed in a level 3 river basin, in which 3 sub-basins will be defined, one in which a traditional management will be carried out, which will serve as a reference, and another 2 with experimental management that tries to reduce phosphate pollution through responsible management. The 6 territorial pilots are shown below, including their location, responsible partner and agricultural system: Pilot 1: ES – Castilla y León – ITAGRA – REGADIO: Pilot cereal 2: ES – La Rioja – Government of La Rioja – PERMANENT CULTIVOS (VID AND OLIVO) Pilot 3: ES – Extremadura – FEDEHESA – AGROFORESTAL SYSTEM AND EXTENSIVE DEHESA Pilot 4 PT – Central/Coimbra Region – IPC (ESAC) – REGION: Horticultural Pilot 5: PT – Central Region/Aveiro – IPC (ESAC) – WINNERIA INTENSIVA DE VACUNO AND PASTO Piloto 6: FR – Nouvelle Aquitaine – ITAVI – EXTENSIVE AVICULTURE Three of the six pilots will install the AQUACorp technology for remote water analysis as part of the experimentation. This technology would reduce costs and simplify the monitoring of phosphorus associated with agro-livestock activity.

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Early warning system

The early warning system will make it possible to anticipate spring frost situations so that active means can be prepared to complement passive and semi-passive solutions, which are of a continuous nature. The system will combine models weather forecast numbers (NPM) with high-precision soil temperature maps developed from local time series. This methodology allows to perform a downscaling process from local information to reach a very high level of accuracy (individual plot level or hyperlocal scale). The system will be highly oriented to provide an easy-to-interpret mobile version in the field, including a system dissemination module for sending alerts via email, SMS and mobile notifications. This system will be integrated as part of the ClimAlert platform, enriching its spectrum of information and attracting new users.

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Collection and planting of herbaceous, wild and native seeds

The pilot actions will consist of the collection of seeds from native wild herbaceous plants (such as isolated species or mixtures) from harvesting grasslands of ecological interest previously identified by the partners. These collections may or may not be followed by an intermediate stage of multiplication, after which the seeds will be planted in objective plots of high biodiversity value, located in the vicinity (or, in any case, in the same biogeographical zone) for the purpose of ecological restoration. These pilot projects are innovative at various levels. First, we will work with species that are not, or are not widely available, at first. There is little to no reference to the methods of harvesting the mixtures (brushing, harvesting, hay transfer, manual harvesting) and to the methods used to grow these seeds, so our experiments will generate new knowledge. Within the framework of the Flore project, at least 4 different methods (hence the target value of this indicator) will be tested, but in each country several pilot ecological restoration sites will be created, allowing the diversification of climate and soil methods and contexts. This network of experimental sites will also be a support for the transfer of knowledge, both for the beneficiary partners of the project (through study trips) and for all interested economic operators, with the organisation of technical days. This demonstration value will be maintained in the long term, as pilot site managers will commit to ensuring the sustainability of the facilities, in particular by adopting the recommended sustainable management methods.

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ALERT-PFAS Pilot Actions

Design, implementation and validation of a tool based on Artificial Intelligence to monitor in real time the presence of PFAS in the resources of the SUDOE space. Technologies developed in the project, divided into 2 groups: optical sensors for real-time PFAS monitoring and technologies for the reduction or elimination of PFAS in the waters of natural areas of SUDOE, including processes of adsorption, degradation and monitoring of gases emitted into the atmosphere in the degradation of PFAS.

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Pilote in France

The experimental area of Gaillac, located in Tarn, France, is currently facing a series of challenges. Through the implementation and monitoring of improvement actions in the IV, the aim is to address these challenges, promote biodiversity, preserve cultural heritage, and strengthen the territory’s resilience to climate change. Progress is expected towards more sustainable and resilient management of high ecological value vineyards, addressing current challenges and promoting the conservation of the natural and cultural environment.

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Development and experimentation on a demonstrative basis in the territories of the partner entities of new solutions in response to the challenges identified in the extraction of biomass for the prevention of forest fires: 1)Methodology to reduce the impact on biodiversity in the application of fire prevention plans Experimentation in the application of new methodology to introduce measures to preserve biodiversity and reduce impact in the implementation of fire prevention plans. Pilot action tested in Catalonia ES and Pyrenees Orientales FR 2)Innovation in extraction techniques to improve the resilience and resilience of forests to forest fires. Experimentation through testing of new techniques and evaluation in terms of cost-effectiveness and impact on biodiversity of different methods. Pilot action tested in Cerdaña Baja (Catalonia ES) and Cerdaña Alta (Occitanie FR). 3)Model of management of the collection, treatment and local use of biomass Model with a holistic approach to sustainable forest management, focused on maximising the natural potential of the forest, reducing the risk of fire and increasing the economic value of forest biomass locally through treatment facilities, distribution, and cogeneration plants in rural areas. Experimentation in Tamega e Sousa (PT) and Pays des Nestes (FR) 4)Programme for the training of personnel for biomass extraction in rural areas Programme to train staff in rural areas to ensure the sustainable management of forest resources and the viability of extraction plans for fire prevention and quality job creation. It will be tested in Navarra ES and made available to other territories. Pilot projects have generated exemplary solutions that will be incorporated into the common strategy and adopted by partner entities and other entities.

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