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Asociación Rayuela

Entidad social implicada en la cohesión social y en la sostenibilidad de Canarias pero con perspectivas de intervención europea. 15 años de trabajos con proyectos

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Sergio Galindo Merino

Actualmente la Fundación San Cebrián forma parte del consorcio del proyecto REVITAL, “Revitalización socioeconómica de zonas de baja densidad de población mediante teleasistencia clínica”, pretende

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Amaya Gurbindo

Técnica de proyectos con experiencia en diferentes programas de cooperación territorial. Actualmente interesada en proyectos relacionados con el turismo.

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International Day of the Elderly: Professionals in Ageing highlight the need to reorient public health policies towards prevention

On the occasion of the International Day of Older Persons, the PreDisc project partners participated in a conference in Andorra La Vella, where they addressed the challenges and opportunities presented by the ageing population. The opening of the event was in charge of the Minister of Health of Andorra, Helena Mas, the Director General of SAAS, Ms. Meritxell Cosan, and Alfredo Martínez, Manager of the Navarro Health Service- Osasunbidea who highlighted the importance of a collaborative approach in the area of health and well-being of older people. They have also emphasized that ageing is a significant challenge requiring the collaboration of health professionals to ensure the sustainability of health systems. In addition, emphasis has been placed on the transfer of what is researched and works to public health policies.

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