On 20 December 2024, the Cultur-Monts team of the University of Oviedo organised in Belmonte de Miranda the first meeting of the intersectoral cluster of socio-cultural innovation and sustainable development of the Asturian window.
It was attended by a large number of social agents to whom the project was presented and to whom the first lines of action to be implemented from 2025 onwards were set out. The meeting was attended by businessmen, neighbours, members of the municipal corporation, the school community and part of the research team from the University of Oviedo.
During the meeting, the lines of work that will guide our actions in the coming months were presented, focusing on highlighting the valuable cultural heritage of Belmonte and encouraging the creation of collaborative networks.
In this way, the municipality of Belmonte becomes an excellent laboratory for experimentation on territorial dynamisation in which the activation of the local fabric and its participation in the projects for the enhancement of the heritage with an integral vision is pursued.
This experience is in line with the proposal recently presented by the Principality of Asturias: LLAR -Living Lab Asturias Rural-, developed from the CIT – Centro Innovación Territorial de Asturias– based on the active participation of the local community and public-private collaboration frameworks, which favour the creation of innovation ecosystems through Territorial Intelligence.