Face-to-face consortium meeting in France to jointly design and analyse pilot actions
The BIO4RES Project Steering Committee held its face-to-face meeting in Occitania, France, with the participation of all the partner entities: Navarra de Suelo y Vivienda, NASUVINSA (Navarra), the Centre de Ciència i Tecnologia Forestal de Catalunya, CTFC (Catalonia), the Union des Communes Forestières du Grand Sud (France), Estera Innovation (France) and the Comunidade Intermunicipal do Tâmega e Sousa (Portugal). During the session, the technical and strategic progress of the project was discussed in its different working groups and pilot projects.
Progress in the working groups:
- WG1: based on a common framework, the territorial diagnoses were completed with the collaboration of all the partner entities. The importance of giving political significance to the project was highlighted in order to ensure the adoption of the strategy resulting from this working group in territorial public policies.
- WG2: CIMTS reported on the contracting of a consultancy in Portugal to define a common framework of tasks.
- WG3: Preliminary steps of identification of actors and needs were completed in 2024. Awareness raising materials and contents will be designed in 2025, to be developed in 2026.
Status of the Pilot Projects:
- Pilot 1 (France): modelling and mapping of biodiversity and fire risk has been completed. It is planned to integrate these maps into forest management plans and to develop practical tools to promote forest management by integrating the biodiversity variable.
- Pilot 2 (Catalonia): comparison of two logging systems and machinery in Catalan and French Cerdanya. Biodiversity indices and the volume of biomass before and after the work will be assessed.
- Pilot 3 (Portugal): the pilot municipality has been identified and two key aspects are being studied: logistics of biomass collection and transport, and its valorisation for heat and electricity.
- Pilot 4 (Navarra): technical assistance will be tendered for a training programme, translated into three languages and aligned with the interests of the Government of Navarra.
The consortium stressed the need to strengthen the communication of the project and to continue coordination to ensure the capitalisation of the results in all territories.