BIO4RES: A year of progress in sustainable forest management and biomass valorisation

The BIO4RES project, which seeks to improve forest management in the SUDOE area through the valorisation of biomass, has completed its first year of implementation with significant progress. Despite an initial delay due to administrative issues, the consortium has managed to structure its work strategy and strengthen cooperation between the participating entities.

Since its launch in June 2024 in Pamplona (Navarra), BIO4RES has focused its efforts on the creation of an effective working methodology and the consolidation of relations with partner entities and local agents.

During the first months, the project has focused on hiring external assistance to provide support in the management, communication and evaluation of the project. In addition, digital platforms have been implemented to optimise communication and coordination among the work team. Thanks to these tools, the exchange of information and joint decision-making has been facilitated.

The milestones achieved include the identification of good practices, the preparation of territorial diagnoses on the forest situation and the comparative analysis of these diagnoses. Another achievement has been the mobilisation of local actors and partners, who have shown a growing interest in the project’s actions. In different meetings and territorial events, information on ongoing initiatives has been shared and opportunities for collaboration have been identified to maximise the impact of BIO4RES in the different regions.

During 2025, the project will focus on the implementation of the pilot projects and the socialisation of the first results obtained. In this respect, an intensification of communication actions is foreseen, with the development of specialised content and the production of audiovisual material to disseminate the progress achieved.

With the project now fully operational, BIO4RES is heading towards a second key year in which it is expected to consolidate its impact on sustainable forest management and the rural economy, thus contributing to climate change adaptation and fire prevention in the SUDOE area.