Download now the “Portfolio of different treatment schemes for water reuse”

entregable 1.1.1

A document of great scientific value for all those initiatives developed in the same line of research as SOLLAGUA.

Produced within the first semester of the SOLLAGUA project, the scientific publication “Portfolio of different treatment schemes for water reuse” serves as a state-of-the-art review of current technologies for wastewater reclamation in the SUDOE area, which will be of great value for other projects conducted in this line of research.

The document addresses the following subjects:

  • Overview of wastewater treatment technologies: key technologies, innovations, and decision tree tool (DTT) integration.
  • Technology insights, fact sheets, and real-world schemes.
  • Legislation and quality standards for wastewater reuse.
  • Proposed technologies for the DTT.
  • Research gaps, Technical challenges, and future development pathways in wastewater reuse.
  • Key findings, implications for the project, and next steps.


📁 Deliverable 1.1.1_Portfolio of different treatment schemes for water reuse (EN)

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