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Signing of the ERDF grant agreement for the SOLLAGUA project in Santander

Firma acuerdo FEDER

The event, which took place at the legendary Santemar Hotel on 16 and 17 April, was attended by several members of the European initiative.

The legendary Santemar hotel, located just a few metres from the Sardinero beach in Santander, was the setting chosen by the Joint Secretariat of the European regional development programme Interreg SUDOE 2021-2027 for the signing of the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) grant agreement for the 34 projects approved in the first call of its sixth edition, including SOLLAGUA.

This kick-off seminar, which took place on 16 and 17 April in the Cantabrian capital, was inaugurated by the head of Economy, Finance, and European Funds of the Government of Cantabria, Mr. Luis Ángel Agüeros, who stressed the importance of the European Interreg SUDOE programme, which has a total budget of 115.3 million euros, for the preservation of the natural capital of Southwest Europe and its adaptation to the new challenges of the region. Luis Ángel Agüeros, who highlighted the importance of the European Interreg SUDOE programme, which has a total budget of 115.3 million euros, for the preservation of the natural capital of Southwest Europe and its adaptation to climate change, on the one hand, and the strengthening of social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance through innovation and endogenous development, on the other. The main lines of action for the period 2021-2027.

Representing SOLLAGUA were Marion Claustre, responsible for European projects at the University of Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier, the coordinating entity of the initiative, and Carlos García Delgado and Manuel Silva, responsible for the Building and Civil Works sector and communication technician, respectively, at Corporación Tecnológica de Andalucía (CTA), the entity in charge of leading SOLLAGUA’s communication and dissemination strategy.

The importance of communication

Precisely this aspect was one of the central axes of the seminar, since, for the first time, the programme coordination included in the agenda a specific space for those partners in charge of developing the communication plan of the projects, which is mandatory. During his speech, Antonio Teles, head of the Communication Department of Interreg SUDOE, reminded the participants that all beneficiaries must be committed to getting involved in the communication and dissemination of the initiative and the programme that finances them. In order to assist them in this task, which in a transnational context becomes particularly complex, Dorothee Fischer, a consultant in international project communication, gave a theoretical and practical workshop focused on this work package.

This conference was also the perfect opportunity to learn more about the other projects underway and their promoters in order to assess potential collaborations and synergies through which to reach new audiences and increase the impact of the initiatives in all fields.


If you want to keep up to date with the progress of the project and the latest news on water reuse and climate change measures, follow the project on:

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