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International Day of the Elderly: Professionals in Ageing highlight the need to reorient public health policies towards prevention

The partners of the PreDisc project participated in the international day on the challenge of ageing: innovation and research projects in Andorra

On the occasion of the International Day of Older Persons, the PreDisc project partners participated in a conference in Andorra La Vella, where they addressed the challenges and opportunities presented by the ageing population. The opening of the event was in charge of the Minister of Health of Andorra, Helena Mas, the Director General of SAAS, Ms. Meritxell Cosan, and Alfredo MartĂ­nez, Manager of the Navarro Health Service- Osasunbidea who highlighted the importance of a collaborative approach in the area of health and well-being of older people. They have also emphasized that ageing is a significant challenge requiring the collaboration of health professionals to ensure the sustainability of health systems. In addition, emphasis has been placed on the transfer of what is researched and works to public health policies.

Presentation of the PreDisc project

One of the central themes was prevention as a key to healthy ageing. NicolĂ¡s MartĂ­nez Vellila, Principal Investigator of the Geriatrics and Active Ageing Research Unit of Navarrabiomed and head of the geriatric service of HUN, has presented the project, underlining the need to transform traditional care which often leads to the bedding of older people. “It makes no sense to have the best treatments if patients are immobilized; we must allow them to continue with their lives and activities and not leave the hospital without being able to do what they did before,” he explained.
He also presented the multicenter trial being developed within the framework of the transnational cooperation project PreDisc, financed by ERDF funds through the Sudoe programme (2021-2027) Seeking to change the practice of care by incorporating a physical exercise program designed to restore strength and improve the quality of life for seniors, as well as facilitate an efficient transition from hospital to primary care. The challenge is to ensure that patients receive continuity of care and can benefit from fitness programs tailored to their needs during and after hospitalization.

Gabor Abellan, representative of the French partner in the PreDisc project, doctor in geriatrics at the GerontopĂ´le CHU Toulouse, added that “biological age can change chronological age. We rejuvenate when we exercise, when we eat less sugar… when we adopt healthy habits.”
Following the discussion on research challenges and projects, the day focused on innovation with a presentation of various tools that promote active and healthy ageing. This event has been a step in raising awareness of the challenges of population ageing for our societies and health systems. All actors have stressed the need to focus public health policies on health promotion rather than a merely curative vision. This includes the need to work with other non-health actors. The challenge of ageing is not only health, it includes actors in social policies and civil society. Improving the quality of life for older people depends on this, as does strengthening the resilience of the health system.
