Meeting of the french associated partners of the ThermEcoWat project, led by THERMAUVERGNE

The first meeting of the french asociated partners of the ThermEcoWat project of the European cooperation programme Interreg Sudoe 21-27 was held on 30 April 2024

The ThermEcoWat project and its partners

The main beneficiary of the ThermEcoWat project is Thermauvergne and the consortium is composed of 8 partners from the South-West European cooperation area in France, Spain and Portugal.

The project is carried out under priority 1 – Preserving the natural capital of South-West Europe and adapting to climate change.


The meeting at the headquarters of Thermauvergne

After the launch of the project on March 26, 2024 in Lyon, in the premises of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, Thermauvergne brought together the french asociated partners at the association’s headquarters in Royat.

The meeting was attended by 38 participants, including representatives of the French government and french asociated partners.

The meeting was opened by speeches by Mr. Yves-Jean Bignon, President of Thermauvergne, then by Mr. Jean-Yves Gouttebel, Interministerial Coordinator of Future Plans for Thermalism and the Mountain and Mr. Jean-François Béraud, President of the French Thermal and Climatic Federation.


Presentation of the ThermEcoWat European cooperation project to french asociated partners

This first exchange meeting provided an opportunity to present the ThermEcoWat project (the context, the problem, the objectives, the consortium of partners, the partnership with the BRGM of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, the partnership with the CNRS of Toulouse, the role of the group of associated partners) and to jointly determine the work schedule, the role of the group of associated partners in the coming months and the preparation of the study visit in June to Auvergne.

Videos of french asociated partners

Presentation of Dominique Ferrandon, President of the Interest Economic Group of Auvergne Thermale Quality

Presentation of Jean-Yves Gouttebel, Interministerial coordinator of thermalism plan

Presentation by Professor Yves Jean Bignon as President of Thermauvergne, leader of the ThermEcoWat project

Presentation of Stephanie Giraud as climate change adaptation manager for National Territorial Cohesion Agency – Massif central