The University of Toulouse presents SOLLAGUA at the French Breakfast of Innovation event

Petit Déjeuner de l'Innovation

The aim of the meeting was to exchange knowledge, share experiences and foster interaction and collaboration on emerging issues in the water sector.

Changes in the regulatory framework and water efficiency targets are paving the way for new strategies for collecting, treating and reusing water directly in buildings. What technical and economic aspects are on the table? How to ensure the sanitary quality of this water? What is the academic community’s point of view on these issues? These were some of the topics discussed at the Innovation Breakfast held recently in Toulouse under the title “Decentralised water management in buildings.”

The event, which brought together nearly 40 experts in the field on the campus of the University of Toulouse, was attended by the University of Toulouse, coordinator of the project, which, in addition to presenting the progress of the initiative, gave a guided technical tour of the bio-inspired filter demonstrator facilities, as well as the demonstrator’s digital twin, which is currently under construction.

This new activity shows that the consortium behind SOLLAGUA is working hard to encourage the sharing of knowledge with other stakeholders involved in the water cycle and to get the word out about the project’s technical progress. This is one of the main goals of the communication and dissemination strategy for 2025.

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