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Objetivo EspecĂ­fico: SO 2.7 (...) Protection and preservation of nature / biodiversity / green infrastructure

inViable Life Cycle Thinking

inViable Life Cycle Thinking is a creative scientific agency working with innovative organizations, industries and communities to achieve the transition to a circular economy, driven

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FederaciĂ³n internacional de cooperativas de ciclologĂ­stica, ponemos a disposiciĂ³n una plataforma de ciclologĂ­stica a las cooperativas miembros de nuestra red, asesoramos y formamos a nuestros

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Ana Gama

AssociaĂ§Ă£o Natureza Portugal (ANP|WWF) is a portuguese NGO working for conservation of nature, representing the WWF network in Portugal. Being fully aligned with WWF’s core

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Actuaciones respecto a la mejora, prevenciĂ³n y regeneraciĂ³n de biodiversidad de actuaciĂ³n preventiva para una mejor gestiĂ³n de los incendios de 6ª GeneraciĂ³n en territorios

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Cheste Municipality

Located in the province of Valencia (Spain) Cheste municipality has spearheaded various initiatives and programs aimed at promoting sustainable development, community engagement and cultural enrichment.

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Maika Diaz Aguilar

Degree on Law for the University of Extremadura, with a Master degree in Gerontology for the University of Salamanca and Knowledge management Course in Business

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Le projet Recicla RAEE est une initiative de coopĂ©ration environnementale visant Ă  amĂ©liorer la gestion des dĂ©chets d’Ă©quipements Ă©lectriques et Ă©lectroniques (DEEE) et Ă  promouvoir

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Leonor Mendoza

INEUSTAR es la AsociaciĂ³n Española de la Industria de la Ciencia. Es una asociaciĂ³n sin Ă¡nimo de lucro, de carĂ¡cter privado, formada por las empresas

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