País proyecto 27: France


Context and Challenge The freshwater resources of the SUDOE region are subject to increasing anthropogenic pressure, causing problems of water scarcity and quality, conflicts of

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The European project SCAIRA, driven by a transnational consortium of twelve entities, has as its main objective to advise entrepreneurs in the creation and acceleration of startups in rural areas of Spain, France and Portugal within the aerospace and automotive sector.

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El SUDOE cuenta con amplias y variadas zonas forestales que prestan numerosos servicios (producción de madera, estabilización del suelo, almacenamie…

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El proyecto HENKO NET, busca transformar la atención sociosanitaria de los cuidados paliativos en el hogar, desde las experiencias que importan a las personas y con el apoyo de las tecnologías.

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Climate observation systems ranked the years 2020, 2022, 2019, 2015 and 2014 as the five hottest of the last four decades in Europe. According to

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Europe is moving towards an ageing society, with the SUDOE territory, and specifically rural environments, having a higher percentage of elderly people and depopulation. Ageing

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