Heritage Innovation, Territory, Tourism and Sustainability.


Hitts faces the following challenges common to the SUDOE space: depopulation, ageing and the leakage of high value-added human resources; Lack of value for heritage, including artistic and cultural heritage, as a driver of eco-tourism; low level of adaptive reuse of heritage and lack of coordination and awareness of all local actors. Therefore, the main objective of HITTS is the valorisation of the cultural, natural and heritage singularities of the rural areas of SUDOE, based on the revitalisation of cultural and natural heritage, artistic creation and the development of public-private collaboration through innovative methodologies and tools to promote sustainable and ecological tourism. Hitts is an innovative project that aims to carry out transnational actions to promote sustainable tourism based on the valorisation of the cultural and natural heritage of the rural areas of the SUDOE space, mobilising and involving local actors and agents throughout the implementation of the project, encouraging the adaptive reuse of heritage based on artistic and cultural productions and the development of public-private strategies with the perspective of a renewed governance. The project will start with actions focused on the involvement of all actors in rural intervention areas (GT1) through the territorial laboratories. A participatory diagnosis will be developed by territory to evaluate endogenous heritage, cultural and artistic resources and 15 good practices will be detected. A common strategy will be designed for the innovative and sustainable socio-economic development of rural areas in the SUDOE (GT2) space, which will be the main realisation of the project, based on the touristic valorisation of its cultural and natural heritage. Finally, HITTS proposes the implementation of pilot actions of the strategy, adapted to the uniqueness, conditions and needs of each territory.

Periodo de programación:2021-2027
Fecha de inicio:01/01/2024
Fecha fin:31/12/2026
Estado: On going
Convocatoria: 1st call
Prioridad:3 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through social innovation, heritage enhancement and services
Objetivo específico:SO 4.6 (…) Culture /sustainable tourism
Coste subvencionable: 1.673.945,48 euros
Ayuda FEDER: 1.255.459,12 euros


Principal Beneficiary: Fundación Huerta de San Antonio-Úbeda

Nombre del beneficiario: Fundación Huerta de San Antonio-Úbeda

Región: España,Andalucía,Úbeda

Persona de contacto: Nicolás Berlanga Martínez

Email: [email protected]

This beneficiary does not have a website

2 - Fundación Valle Salado de Añana

Nombre del beneficiario: Fundación Valle Salado de Añana

Región: España,País Vasco,Salinas de Añana

Persona de contacto: Alberto Plata Montero

Email: [email protected]

This beneficiary does not have a website

3 - Asociación de desarrollo de Campo de Montiel y Campo de Calatrava Tierras de Libertad

Nombre del beneficiario: Asociación de desarrollo de Campo de Montiel y Campo de Calatrava Tierras de Libertad

Región: España,Castilla-La Mancha,Almedina

Persona de contacto: Antonio Torres Sánchez

Email: [email protected]

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4 - Escuela de Turismo de Murcia S.L.

Nombre del beneficiario: Escuela de Turismo de Murcia S.L.

Región: España,Región de Murcia,MURCIA

Persona de contacto: Onofre Tomás Martínez Salinas

Email: [email protected]

This beneficiary does not have a website

5 - Município de Montalegre

Nombre del beneficiario: Município de Montalegre

Región: Portugal,Norte,Montalegre

Persona de contacto: Fernando Moura

Email: [email protected]

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6 - Comunidade Intermunicipal do Médio Tejo

Nombre del beneficiario: Comunidade Intermunicipal do Médio Tejo

Región: Portugal,Centro,Tomar

Persona de contacto: Jorge Salgado Simões

Email: [email protected]

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7 - Syndicat mixte d'aménagement et de gestion du Parc naturel régional des Grands Causses

Nombre del beneficiario: Syndicat mixte d'aménagement et de gestion du Parc naturel régional des Grands Causses

Región: France,Midi-Pyrénées (Occitanie),MILLAU

Persona de contacto: Sandrine Charnay

Email: [email protected]

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8 - Aven Armand - Montpellier le Vieux SA

Nombre del beneficiario: Aven Armand - Montpellier le Vieux SA

Región: France,Midi-Pyrénées (Occitanie),MILLAU

Persona de contacto: Christel Caruso

Email: [email protected]

This beneficiary does not have a website