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ICT Key Enabling Technologies to meet the needs of Silver Economy in the SUDOE area

Axis 1: Research and innovation
Developing dissemination of applied research related to essential facilitating technologies
STATE: Terminado
CODE: SOE1/P1/F0370
BĂ©atrice Durruty


SECTORS: Multisectoral
1 July, 2016
31 March, 2019
RESULTS: 0000-00-00
Agence de DĂ©veloppement et d'Innovation Aquitaine Limousin Poitou-Charentes. (FR)

2. GIP Autonom'Lab. FR
3. Home Care Lab, S. Coop. ES
4. FundaciĂ³ Knowledge Innovation Market Barcelona. ES
5. FundaciĂ³n Tecnalia Research &amp Innovation. ES
6. AsociaciĂ³n de Industrias de las TecnologĂ­as ElectrĂ³nicas y de la InformaciĂ³n del PaĂ­s Vasco. ES
7. AssociaĂ§Ă£o TICE.PT. PT
8. Cluster TIC Santé aquitain. FR
9. Instituto PolitĂ©cnico do CĂ¡vado e do Ave. PT

Senior citizen economy or Silver Economy represents a great economic opportunity for south-west Europe, which will have the oldest population on the continent by the year 2050. In this context the ICT4SILVER project proposes to research the needs of the elderly in different fields (especially of those living in rural areas) and to place this knowledge at the service of 30 SMEs in five different regions. This will allow the creation and marketing of products and services based on the new information and communication technologies which will be adapted to the needs of this sector of the population.

ICT4SILVER responds to one of the biggest challenges of the Sudoe’s area: the aging of the population. Thus, the project focuses on the digital offer of the silver economy, which is the economy for elder people, professional and non-professional assistants with needs in relation to the loss of autonomy and aging. ICT 4 SILVER accompanies SMEs in the development of adapted products to facilitate their access to the market and the actors of the silver economy to face the challenges related to innovation.

For this, the project selected 15 SMEs and tested a series of products and services related to homecare, re-education or telecare in nursing homes, re-education centres and homes.

Among its results, we can mention:

  • The identification of the actors of the silver economy in the southwest of Europe and their specific needs.
  • A methodology to test products and services in the three participating countries.
  • A reflection on the creation of a European cluster and Living Lab on the subject.

Through the project, it was observed that many products went on the market without first having been tested for their adaptation to the user's needs.