Support to the creation of transnational export consortiums in the agro-alimentary SUDOE sector

Axis 2: Competitiveness of SMEs
Improving and increasing the internationalisation of SMEs
STATE: Terminado
CODE: SOE1/P2/E0054
Pablo Morales Matas


SECTORS: Agribusiness and timber
1 July, 2016
31 March, 2019
RESULTS: 0000-00-00
Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria y Navegación de Sevilla (ES)

2. Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Limoges et de la Haute-Vienne FR
3. Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie du Gers FR
4. Asociación de Investigación de Industrias Cárnicas del Principado de Asturias ES
5. ADRAVE - Agência de Desenvolvimento Regional do Vale do Ave PT

6. Município de Vila Nova de Famalicão PT

Improving the competitiveness of the SMEs of the agro-food sector of south-west Europe and promoting their internationalisation is the raison d’être of the EXPORT FOOD SUDOE project. Its method will be the development of cooperation between companies, in particular by means of the creation of exportation consortiums. The project will directly benefit some 100 companies, which will take part in training, advice, and technical and business support, including the drawing up of internationalisation plans with the objective of creating at least five exportation consortiums.


EXPORT FOOD SUDOE is a project to improve competitiveness and promote the internationalization of small and medium-sized agro-food companies in the Sudoe area. For this purpose, the project has technically selected and prepared 86 SMEs in the sector for their participation in the project. 100% of the participating companies have found possibilities for cooperation with other companies and 85% were or are in cooperation processes.

The results of the project include:

  • The drafting of strategic internationalization plans for 86 SMEs in the agro-food sector. These plans include internationalization objectives and specific actions to develop.
  • 3 business meetings (Lisbon 2017, Seville 2017, Bordeaux 2018) with the participation of 60 companies to enable meetings and cooperation between companies. During the latter, companies benefited from advice and training and were able to meet market actors and experts.
  • Organization of 5 trade missions (United Kingdom with the participation of 7 companies, Ireland with the participation of 4 companies, Belgium with the participation of 7 companies, Sweden with the participation of 9 companies and Germany with the participation of 5 companies). Following these missions, a support service was created for companies interested in developing joint internationalization actions.
  • The inclusion of company products on the website www.saludables.com and the creation of a promotional catalogue.

Thanks to EXPORT FOOD SUDOE, the mentalities of the participating companies were changed from focusing exclusively on the commercial nature of the exchanges to a more collaborative approach. The project has been highlighted as the 3rd best performance of the national cluster in Spain.