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Transactional Platform to Support Energy Rehabilitation Financing

Axis 3: Low-carbon economy
Improving energy efficiency policies and the use of renewable energy sources in public buildings and housing through the implementation of networks and joint experimentation
STATE: Terminado
CODE: SOE1/P3/E0294
GermĂ¡n Botejara Sanz


SECTORS: Improving energy efficiency, Use of renewable energy sources in housing, Use of renewable energy sources in public buildings
1 July, 2016
31 December, 2019
RESULTS: 0000-00-00
Agencia Extremeña de la Energía. (ES)

2. Navarra de Suelo y Vivienda, S.A. ES
3. RegiĂ³n de Murcia. ConsejerĂ­a de Desarrollo EconĂ³mico, Turismo y Empleo. DirecciĂ³n General de EnergĂ­a y Actividad Industrial y Minera. ES
4. Comunidade Intermunicipal do TĂ¢mega e Sousa. PT
5. Lisboa E-Nova - AgĂªncia de Energia e Ambiente de Lisboa. PT
6. Ecole d´Ingénieurs en Génie des Systèmes Industriels. FR
7. PĂ´le CREAHd. FR
8. CommunautĂ© d'AgglomĂ©ration Grand AngoulĂªme. FR
9. FundaciĂ³n Laboral de la ConstrucciĂ³n. ES

The European Commission considers energy efficiency in buildings to be a strategic priority of the Energy Union, but many regions in south-west Europe have considerable financial constraints for the renovation of buildings. The challenge of the six regions taking part in the REHABILITE project is to identify and use successful financial instruments that break the investment barrier in order to renovate private houses and public buildings. The ultimate aim of the project is to modify the support policies for energy renovation in such a way as to include innovative financial instruments and to prove the viability of these new policies by means of pilot actions.

REHABILITE facilitates the funding of energy efficiency and renewable energies in the framework of renovations of both private homes and public buildings. To this end, the project focused on capitalizing on innovative energy rehabilitation policies and created a platform to provide support, advice and training services.

The REHABILITE platform is made up of advisory services, online training services focused on technical and economic analysis, a database and an online map with information on a total of 100 best practices collected. In addition, the project has developed a specific methodology for the design of innovative financial instruments that was applied in 7 pilot actions to improve the energy efficiency of buildings based on 5 ex ante studies. The methodology developed for the design of innovative financial instruments can be applied in any Sudoe region.

Thanks to REHABILITE, regions such as Navarra and Extremadura created their own financial instrument for the energy rehabilitation of buildings. Furthermore, the results of the project will be taken up in a new Horizon 2020 project called HousEEnvest.