Forest Management and natural Risks
ForManRisk provides solutions to work on the regeneration of forests in southwestern Europe. For this purpose, the project develops trainings and exchanges of knowledge as
ForManRisk provides solutions to work on the regeneration of forests in southwestern Europe. For this purpose, the project develops trainings and exchanges of knowledge as
RISKCOAST promotes innovation to face a set of threatens linked to climate change: landslides, fields’ subsidence due to the intense exploitation of aquifers during droughts,
Mountains are the most affected territories by natural risks and it is foreseen that those risks will increase due to climate change &ndash risks which
ICTUSnet is the result of the cooperation between health services, industry and academic sector for the prevention and progress regarding ictus treatment. Thus, ICTUSnet is
SUDOKET promotes the application of innovative technologies known as “Key Enabling Technologies” or KETs, for more efficient and eco-friendly buildings in order to guarantee higher
PROBIOMASSE develops integrated management models for forest biomass which include all the value chain aspects in order to make out the most of the forest
To satisfy their vital needs and to face consequences of the global change, the vegetals and animals species need high-quality and conected naturals habitats. CERES
KET4F-Gas develops innovative eco-technologies in order to reduce storing fluorinated greenhouse gases. The latter which are stocked in cooling and air-conditioning systems, contribute to global
PROCURA focused on aging questions, increasing chronic diseases and dependency. In this sense, it promotes innovative public procurement in health sector, through a specialized community
CEMOWAS 2 reinforces the capacities of local authorities regarding organic waste management and products resulting of depuration processes. Thus, CEMOWAS 2 is a circular economy