Smart energy management in hospitals
The objective of Hospital SUDOE 4-0 is to develop and to build instrument of smart management in order to ensure a lower energy consumption of
The objective of Hospital SUDOE 4-0 is to develop and to build instrument of smart management in order to ensure a lower energy consumption of
IMPROVEMENT will develop, validate and demonstrate a system to turn public buildings into almost zero energy consumption buildings (nZeB) by including mirco-networks of generation combining
VINIOT provides a new technological service to monitor vineyards addressed to SMEs of SUDOE wine’s sector which will enable the evaluation in real time, precisely
BLOCK4-COOP-SUDOE aims at implementing the blockchain technology as a way to ensure the enterprises’ digital transformation, improving their competitiveness through information services, advices and interactions
ClimAlert offers a transnational service of climate risks’ early alert linked to water and a transnational platform with all the available information, at different locations,
SUDOE ENERGY PUSH offers an innovative solution for the global management of social houses located in the Sudoe’s area as a reference to increase the
Mountains are the most affected territories by natural risks and it is foreseen that those risks will increase due to climate change &ndash risks which
SUDOKET promotes the application of innovative technologies known as “Key Enabling Technologies” or KETs, for more efficient and eco-friendly buildings in order to guarantee higher
PROBIOMASSE develops integrated management models for forest biomass which include all the value chain aspects in order to make out the most of the forest
SustForestPlus promotes the economic sector of natural resin within Europe: it provides solutions to satisfy the existing demand of the industry and generated stable employment