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Área de competencia : Spécialisation intelligente et transition industrielle

Marta Alonso Trascasa

La trayectoria de Spainsif como asociación sin ánimo de lucro se centra desde 2009 en la promoción y difusión de las finanzas sostenibles desde un punto de vista multiactor en

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Organismo Autónomo de la Diputación de Córdoba en el área del desarrollo económico

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Humberto Nuno Teixeira

CATIM is a non-profit private institution that resulted from the association of interests of industrial companies and their associates, as well as public bodies. It was created in 1986 and

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Grupo TASO

TASO provides analysis and support to policymaking in economic development and innovative urban policies. Themes over the past years range smart specialisation, innovation spaces, creative economy, attractiveness and heritage as

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