
Les pays: Portugal

iCognitus – IT Solutions is a software development company established in 2013 that aims to supply high-quality software products and services. iCognitus driving force is a profound passion for enhancing education and is deeply committed to empowering both trainees and teachers for greater success. iCognitus was founded by leading experts in e-assessment with a global implantation. It is a Spin-Off associated to the School of Medicine/University of Minho, one of the 10 medical schools in the world that have been awarded the ASPIRE certificate.

iCognitus is dedicated to the development of large and small business solutions that cover a wide spectrum of knowledge assessments, interviews, recruitment processes and technical skills evaluations applicable to candidates for public or private sectors.  The solutions provided can be seamlessly adapted to any business environment or institution, whether conducted face-to-face or through telematic means, fully adjustable to each business environment or institution.

iCognitus has a strong R&D department that is responsible for the development and implementation of novel technologies that automatize assessments like Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) and automated item generation (AIG). iCognitus has helped dozens of HEI transition to digital assessments worldwide. Research is the basis of our innovation stream. The embedding of iCognitus in the academic environment provides perfect creative conditions to develop new products. The company has been recognized by the National Innovation Agency (ANI) with the ID Seal – recognition of suitability to conduct Research and Development activities, since 2020.  iCognitus has been involved in several projects of large-scale international tests in Europe.