Ignacio Abaitua

Position : Gestor de proyectos
Nom de l'entité: SODERCAN (Regional Development Agency- Cantabria - Spain)
Les pays: Espagne
Langues: Espagnol, Anglais

My professional background for more than 10 years has been based on the managing and
coordination of European funds & networks, with skills in writing project’s proposals, analysis
and benchmarking of European funds according to the specific needs of my employers. It has
been an exceptional experience for developing a great sense for strategy development,
implementation and review of all the projects I have managed. In addition, I have a long
experience as a speaker in different fields, especially in the area of European funds and
strategies as well as in EU forums, such as the Atlantic Forum (I was invited as a speaker and
moderator to the last Atlantic Forum, organized by the European Commission’s DG MARE, in
Brest, France, October 2012), which can highlight my communication skills.

My experience in managing European projects enables me to budget’s management, achieve
partnerships between different nationalities and reach long term relationships between
regional governments and relevant stakeholders. In this sense, I have developed my
competencies for lobbying and influence the most essential players in the different fields for a
proper achievement of the projects I have managed.

I have always been willing to develop my career in an International environment: the work
environment seems particularly attractive to me. I am confident to possess the right skills to
coordinate EU policies as I speak three EU official languages: all my professional experience
has always been related to EU programmes and institutions, particularly with the former
European Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation and ERDF funding programmes (since
2008, I have been involved in the management of the Enterprise Europe Network in my
current organization and managed Interreg projects).
