Maika Diaz Aguilar

Position : Project manager
Nom de l'entité: Fundecyt Parque Científico Tecnológico de Extremadura
Les pays: Espagne
Langues: Espagnol, Anglais

Degree on Law for the University of Extremadura, with a Master degree in Gerontology for the University of Salamanca and Knowledge management Course in Business School (IE).
I was currently Project Manager in the European Project Services in FUNDECYT-PCTEX, where I have worked in European projects related to Information Society, Social Inovatión Project, R+D and Circular Economy.
It is important to note, I have also created to The Brothers and Sisters’ Foundation for Equality and Social Inclusion (FUNDHEX) is a non-profit private entity. It was born in January 2008 from an initiative of brothers and sisters of young people with disabillty. Its main aim is covering unsolved necessities of young handicapped people in Extremadura Region.
Finally, I worked in the Incubator of Companies (Vivernet), project belonging to Extremadura Govern about creation of the SMEs on tecnological based, in particular, I was legal adviser and I have experiences in training during her working time at the University of Salamanca.