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Objetivo Específico : OS 4.6 (…) Culture /tourisme durable


Le Pays de Béarn a piloté en tant que chef de file un projet de coopération transnationale sur la valorisation du patrimoine culturel immatériel, comme

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Paula Pérez Castañares

-Desarrollo de Tecnología Social aplicada a la mejora de la empleabilidad. -Intervención social aprovechando las ventajas de la tecnología para la mejora del impacto y

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SANS Fabienne

Je suis consultante, basée à Toulouse, en montage et l’assistance à la gestion de projets CTE, en particulier Sudoe et Poctefa. Mes expériences récentes en

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Kyriaki Panagiotaki

The Gers CCI is a public institution whose main objective is to support the development of local enterprises and to contribute to the economic and

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Kyriaki Panagiotaki

The Gers CCI is a public institution whose main objective is to support the development of local enterprises and to contribute to the economic and

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NBSCLIMATE we are a Spanish social enterprise that facilitates the design, evaluation, scale-up and continuous improvement of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) through the IUCN Global Standard

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Rosa Geraldo

O nosso Município já participou em alguns projetos a nível Europeu e gostaria de integrar uma parceria no âmbito do Interreg Sudoe

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