TURBO SUDOE promotes the transfer of knowledge in the field of R + D as well as the realization of activities of this type in the productive fabric. For this, the project was based on the mobilization of SMEs since they have more difficulties to achieve the objectives of R + D and represent more than 95% of the productive fabric of the SUDOE’s area. The good development of the project was based on the new figure of the Transference Broker as a specialized agent for the transfer of technology and knowledge. Several pilot projects were developed in 3 priority sectors of the SUDOE’s area, in accordance with the intelligence strategies of the participating regions, namely agri-food, energy and ICT and automotive.
The results of the project include:
- The strategic and functional design of a network of transference brokers and operating environment. This network focuses on the management of industrial property, advice for the valuation of intangibles and protection of technology, the provision of marketing services related to innovation, advices on the formalization of contracts related to industrial property, experts advice for the financing of projects under state and / or European calls or support for the creation of spin-off initiatives.
- The training of 10 transfer brokers and their interaction with 20 operating environments.
- Demonstration in work environments.
- The creation of a Technology Transfer Alliance (KTP) based on the transference brokers.
- A support portal for the transfer of technology for the contact of companies with technological needs and offering centers.
- A guide for external use of the technology transfer model (available on the project website).
TURBO SUDOE registered 322 technological demands. All the conclusions of the project are collected in a document published online as well as through teaching materials. From now on, the TURBO SUDOE model will continue to be exploited in operational structures of institutions dedicated to research activities, focusing on the agribusiness sector and the timber industry.