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2nd call for projects: first decisions of the Monitoring Committee

The 203 applications submitted on 31 May, at the end of the first phase of the second call for proposals, are currently being examined.

The analysis of the applications submitted is carried out according to a rigorously defined and detailed process in point 8 of the text of the second call for projects.

To date, the conditions of participation have been verified and the conclusions have been proposed to the Monitoring Committee by means of a written consultation.

The Monitoring Committee has therefore just ruled on 8 applications and has declared them ineligible due to non-compliance with one of the eligibility criteria.

The list of these applications is available for download below:

The project lead partners concerned have received an electronic notification of the decision of the Monitoring Committee.

As for the other applications, the examination continues, and it is planned that the Monitoring Committee will meet in mid-October to decide on their situation.

Once the Monitoring Committee will be held, decisions will be republished on this website and notifications will be sent to each lead partner.
