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Category: Sudoe 2021-2027

Sudoe 2021-2027

Schedule for the 60 minutes with Sudoe

The closing date of the first phase of the second call for projects is approaching (May 31). After the different webinars organized by the program authorities (see more details here)

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New version of the Sudoe Guide

A new version of the Sudoe guide, dated April 15, 2024, is available following the update of several factsheets and the publication of two new ones. Information available in Spanish,

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Sudoe 2021-2027

What types of projects are expected?

The National Authorities of the Sudoe programme and the Joint Secretariat presented in three national webinars the types of projects expected under the second call for projects. These webinars are

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Sudoe 2021-2027

How to use eSudoe properly

eSudoe is the IT application of the Interreg Sudoe programme from which project applications are compulsorily submitted. If you are planning to submit a project under the second call for

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