SUDOE Stations of Transport OPposed to CO2)
Bus and train stations in south-west European cities consume large amounts of energy and emit extremely high levels of greenhouse gases this affects the quality
Bus and train stations in south-west European cities consume large amounts of energy and emit extremely high levels of greenhouse gases this affects the quality
SHCity tackles the challenge of encouraging the evolution of the Smart City to the Smart Heritage City. In order to achieve this it will create
The construction sector, which is predominant in south-west Europe, has undergone a major crisis while the subsectors of outstanding architecture and design are beginning to
The difficulties of SMEs. micro-companies, and entrepreneurs in accessing financing and simplifying their financial management lead to the appearance of “the financially excluded”. SMART FINANCE
The avoidance of water pollution is one of the main challenges of south-west European countries. Although current legislation obliges administrations to control their “priority pollutants”,
Woodland covers over 30% of the surface area of France, Spain, and Portugal and represents a rural space that is highly sensitive to multiple dangers
VALUEPAM aims to improve the administration, planning, and assessment of the sector of aromatic and medicinal plants (plantas aromático-medicinales, PAM) and their use as a
This project aims to improve the competitiveness of the over 6500 companies that make up the plastic sector in south-west Europe, breaking down the current