El sector primario en las zonas rurales del espacio Sudoe, además de aglutinar una parte muy importante de su tejido, representa una actividad clave …
R The primary sector in the rural areas of the Sudoe area, in addition to bringing together a very important part of its fabric, represents
Pilot or mini-pilots of the “Tool Box” (A3.3): Brief experimentation of innovative technologies or services in the market or with sufficient technological maturity, as well as process innovations or care models. “Soft evaluation” methodology. (1 pilot action implemented in the 7 care beneficiaries, INTRAS, GSS, HEALTH, DIPBI, CHUB, PM, IPO).
Evaluation of each pilot case, analysing its social impact, the functioning of the business unit and the sustainability of each pilot. Conclusions will be drawn that may favor its future replication and a comparative economic analysis of the expenditure in each pilot versus the savings induced in public health services will be made. This savings will serve to look for public-private solutions that allow the replication of pilot experiences.
Joint design and definition of a pilot project for proof of the concept of dynamisation hubs and stops on the CaS Road. The pilot will be developed in 5 territories: 1 in Portugal, 3 in Spain and 1 in France, to ensure the representativeness of the Sudoe collaboration area. Dynamisation Hub: Working group to carry out, among others, the mapping of key actors, the involvement of key stakeholders, a strategic analysis, the development of methodology and work plan, the measurement of impact, the collection of lessons learned and replicability models to other territories. The stop on the Camino will be a physical and virtual place where you can taste, acquire and send typical agri-food products, artisans and creatives. It will offer cultural, tourist, environmental and leisure information in a physical and virtual way, with connections to the network, and collect evaluations of products and services. It will serve as a meeting point between the inhabitants of rural areas and visitors and users of the roads. This pilot project will be based on the collaboratively designed common strategy and will monitor its simultaneous implementation in the 5 selected territories (A3.2 and A3.3). The information obtained from this development will serve to continuously improve the final version of the common strategy and action plan.
The different pilot experiences are structured into three groups, each identified with a theme and leading to a solution: The first group (digitalisation) will generate a solution in terms of digitisation of the agrotourism experience (demand) and improvement of business competitiveness (offer). — New digital technologies (mixed and augmented reality) for the creation of immersive agrotouristic experiences (CDA24). — Intelligent data management system (Smart Data) for the improvement of the competitiveness of agrotourism companies from the improvement of customer knowledge and the subsequent segmentation of products and tourism experiences. The second group (environmental sustainability) will generate a solution of valorisation and differentiation of agrotouristic products with low environmental impact: — Creation of tourist itineraries aimed at sustainable development and promotion of km0 agri-food products (CRTLO) and connection with environmental protection figures (products of the Biosphere Reserve, in the case of the RBOV). — Creation of a digital product passport with information on environmental footprint, origin, quality certifications, etc. (CIM VDL). The third group (segmentation of audiences) will generate innovative experiences adapted to different audiences particularly suitable for the agrotourism sector: — Agrotourism experiences designed for children and youth audiences of urban origin (F. Ávila), including collaboration in traditional trades. — Valuation of agri-food products among hikers (CDA09), both in destination (Ariège) and origin (concept store in Toulouse). — Design of agrotourism circuits for urban family audiences (SODEBUR), including intangible heritage associated with traditional rural life. The project therefore plans to develop a total of three pilot actions within the framework of RCO84.
Este piloto tendrá por objetivo la comunidad educativa y desplegará un programa de gamificación en escuelas que fomente el cambio de mentalidad en los más pequeños. El programa involucrará a 50 escuelas durante 4-6 semanas. Se organizarán carreras de recogida de ropa con municipios y gestores de residuos textil. Se realizarán talleres prácticos de upcycling y reparación y los alumnos recogerán en las escuelas ropa en desuso de sus familias y entorno social.