Workshop “Sustainable Innovations: Challenges and Opportunities in Ecological Recovery and Sustainable Production” at IPB-Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (NEWPOWER)

The Portuguese city of Bragança will host the development of a workshop on Sustainable Innovations: Challenges and Opportunities in Ecological Recovery and Sustainable Production, which is part of the NEWPOWER project of the Interreg Sudoe program.

The meeting will take place on March 26th from 14:00 to 18:00h at Auditório do Brigantia Ecopark, Bragança, Portugal.

The workshop aims to promote the exchange of innovative solutions for the valorization of agroforestry waste, through the development of scalable multi-product biorefineries; and will bring together experts in the field to discuss how these waste products can be transformed into value-added and sustainable products, contributing to a circular economy.

During the afternoon, various approaches will be presented, including the NEWPOWER – Interreg Sudoe project itself, which aims to create new models of biorefineries. Topics such as the ecological restoration of areas affected by fires, the valorisation of chestnut waste for the production of sustainable bioplastics and the challenges in the development and scaling of natural ingredients will also be addressed.


The workshop programme will be as follows:

14:00-14:30h – Registration of participants

14:30h – Welcome session, Lillian Barros, IPB CIMO. Moderators: Eliana Pereira and Filipa Mandim

14:45h – “Presentation of the Interreg sudoe – NEWPOWER project” – Pedro Ferreira Santos, Universidade de Vigo.

15:00h – “Valorization of residual forest biomass: supply chain challenges and Portuguese forest reality” – Aline Silva Oliveira, CoLab ForestWise.

15:30h – “Ecological restoration of areas affected by fires: approaches for the recovery of mountain ecosystems” – Susana Araújo, Colab MORE.

16:00h – Coffee break

16:30h – “Valorization of chestnut waste. Starch as a sustainable source for the production of sustainable bioplastics” – Fernando Nunes, UTAD.

17:00h – “Development and production of natural ingredients – scaling challenges” – Alexandre Gonçalves, Colab MORE.

17:30h – Final discussion

18:00h – Closing


This workshop provides the opportunity to explore new technological solutions and discuss the future of the valorisation of agroforestry waste, promoting innovation and sustainability in the sector.


Taking advantage of the event, NEWPOWER partners will hold their third face-to-face meeting on March 27th, where the main results of the project will be presented and discussed.

Those interested in attending can register for free at the following link: Workshop “Sustainable Innovations: Challenges and Opportunities in Ecological Recovery and Sustainable Production”


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