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Objetivo especĂ­fico proyecto 27: SO 1.1 (...) Research / Innovation

Piloto de sala de visualizaciĂ³n 3D de sistemas biolĂ³gicos.

La implementaciĂ³n de los prototipos de salas de visualizaciĂ³n 3D de sistemas biolĂ³gicos serĂ¡ esencial no solo para desarrollar estrategias de reposicionamiento de fĂ¡rmacos, sino tambiĂ©n, y lo que es muy importante, para desarrollar e implementar una nueva estrategia pedagĂ³gica. Esta estrategia permitirĂ¡ que estudiantes de diferentes niveles y Ă¡reas de estudio entren en contacto con estructuras moleculares complejas, como los objetivos terapĂ©uticos y su interacciĂ³n con los medicamentos.

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Pilot Actions

Two pilot actions will be developed and will contribute to the output indicator RCO84. The pilot actions are characterised by their cross-border and cooperative nature between the beneficiaries and the associated partners of the project and aim to implement the results of the study and scientific analysis activities of WG1 and WG2. The first pilot action aims to study the transferability of bio-products validated in the previous activities through the industrial incorporation and marketing of stabilised functional ingredients developed from agroforestry residual biomass. A value chain will be developed between the partners INGREDALIA, TAGUS Valey and ARGAL that will be based on the results of the GT1 and that will result in the testing and possible commercialisation of new sausages with biofunctional ingredients. The second pilot action seeks to replicate a transnational biorefinery process in the agroforestry sector that can be transferred to other entities in the cooperation space. The value chain will consist of the associated partners Alliance ForĂªts-Bois, Sogibois, FBS, TMAD and ENCE, who will provide the raw materials and partners INPT, INRAE, UVIGO, UMINHO, CETIM and BLC3 Evolution, who will take on the transformation and conversion. The efficiency and feasibility of this process will be analysed in order to study its possible continuity and replicability after the completion of the project. The achievements and results of these actions will in turn feed transnational strategies and provide consortium partners with very useful practical experience to ensure the transfer of validated by-products and processes.

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Lista de fĂ¡rmacos para reposicionamiento.

Este logro cumplirĂ¡ el propĂ³sito Ăºltimo del proceso de reposicionamiento de fĂ¡rmacos, que es explorar el potencial para dar una nueva vida a los medicamentos existentes, asĂ­ como introducir nuevas molĂ©culas adaptadas a necesidades terapĂ©uticas especĂ­ficas. La materializaciĂ³n de esta realizaciĂ³n se harĂ¡ mediante la disponibilidad de una lista de fĂ¡rmacos con potencial para avanzar en el proceso de reposicionamiento de fĂ¡rmacos. Esto se harĂ¡ reconociendo el papel de la industria farmacĂ©utica en llevar medicamentos a los pacientes.

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Damage and defect detection demonstrator.

Demonstrator of the technologies developed in GT1, specifically in the automatic detection of damage or defects in the products and materials selected in GT3. This demonstrator shall include a sensor system or systems for this purpose, in accordance with the conclusions drawn from the activities of this WG. A version of this demonstrator will be included as part of the pilot for GT2, which is the global demonstrator.

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Establishment of protocols for cooperation between the institutions.

The creation of cooperation protocols is essential to consolidate collaboration between the different institutions and align them towards a shared research goal. These protocols ensure coherent direction, diversified approaches and establish the necessary commitments and procedures for effective project management. This implementation will act as a seed that will nurture the future of drug repositioning research in the SUDOE space.

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Network in cooperation

Creation of a network of scientific and technical experts, between universities and technology centres, with a common strategy and action plan, focused on sharing knowledge and transferring technology to the business fabric, to promote the development and adaptation of collaborative robotics solutions driven by AI by SMEs in the traditional and artisanal sectors of the SUDOE space.

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Common strategy for the management and control of thermal water quality

Joint strategy for the management and control of the quality of thermal waters in the Interreg SUDOE territory with the aim of valorising, preserving and optimising this valuable natural resource in the region. The project team, jointly and together with the Partners, will develop this strategy and assess the feasibility and relevance of the creation of a multi-regional entity dedicated to promoting the application of automatic water quality control elements and their mineral-medicinal value, as well as the management of data capture systems, prediction models and data obtained.

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Cross-border strategies

A Strategy for the Application and Marketing of Residual Biomass By-products and a Strategy for the Development of Transboundary Biorefinery Processes will be developed that will contribute to the output indicator RCO83. These strategies will be critical for the successful transfer of residual biomass by-products to other economic sectors within the area of cooperation of the Sudoe space and for the replication of cross-border processes by other organisations. Regarding the first strategy, it is focused on identifying and promoting the use of the most viable residual biomass by-products in different economic sectors within the Sudoe space. To achieve this, lessons learned and good practices from the pilot actions and previous activities of the project will be collected. This strategy will also establish continuous actions and define the economic sectors with the greatest potential for replicability. Within the framework of the implementation of this strategy, guidance and advice will be provided to entities seeking to market and apply the tested by-products and promote the adoption of public measures in the field of reducing agricultural and forest biomass waste. The second strategy will highlight biorefinery processes that have proven to be effective and efficient in converting residual biomass and that can be replicated by other organisations in the area of cooperation. Companies supplying raw materials and trading companies will be identified in the value chains of the selected sectors in order to promote new transnational partnerships that promote the circular economy in different industries. For the implementation of this strategy, the cross-border matching programme will be organised and policy proposals for cross-border cooperation between public authorities will be made.

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Ecodesign Guide to Facilitate Remanufacturing

Ecodesign guide that describe proposals and protocols for the design and manufacture of products, improving their future remanufacturing. This set of guidelines will form a strategy that companies can adopt to improve the circularity of their production, creating more sustainable products. It will also contain an action plan with specific steps on how to adopt the proposals in this strategy.

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Establecimiento de protocolos de cooperaciĂ³n entre las instituciones.

La creaciĂ³n de protocolos de cooperaciĂ³n es esencial para consolidar la colaboraciĂ³n entre las diferentes instituciones y alinearlas hacia una meta de investigaciĂ³n compartida. Estos protocolos aseguran una direcciĂ³n coherente, abordajes diversificados y establecen los compromisos y procedimientos necesarios para la gestiĂ³n eficaz de los proyectos. Esta implementaciĂ³n actuarĂ¡ como una semilla que nutrirĂ¡ el futuro de la investigaciĂ³n en reposicionamiento de fĂ¡rmacos en el espacio SUDOE.

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