País proyecto 27: Portugal


El principal objetivo de NEWPOWER es la resolución de los problemas asociados a la alta generación de residuos agrícolas y forestales, que se acumulan cada vez en mayor medida debido al abandono del medio rural, y que causan gran cantidad de incendios.

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The forest systems of the SUDOE space are affected by specific climate risks such as droughts, pests, fires, the risk of desertification and biodiversity loss.

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RESINSURF aims to replace toxic surface treatments with safer and smarter eco-friendly alternatives. The project offers workshops and training to educate professionals and students in the SUDOE region, helping companies comply with European Union regulations.

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No Sudoe rural, o aumento das temperaturas, o aumento das secas, a escassez de água e os conflitos pelo uso da terra, ameaçam as produções agríco…

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La investigación en tecnologías avanzadas y su aplicación en el espacio SUDOE a un tema de relevancia económica y social como es el termalismo, ay…

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Forest areas, which are extensive in the SUDOE area and in the regions participating in the project, are fundamental for biodiversity and suffer intensely from the effects of climate change (increase in temperature, reduction in average rainfall and its inter-annual variability).

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An-Gel Sudoe

Aunque de forma intuitiva el proceso de cambio climático y calentamiento global se asocia a las sequías, olas de calor o incendios forestales, tambi…

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El reto común que aborda el proyecto es la modernización tecnológica de los sectores económicos del área SUDOE, en particular la industria agroal…

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Climate change increases hot and dry conditions that boost the increase and intensity of fires in the SUDOE area. The 2022 fires in rural interior

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The main objective of Newpower is to solve the problems associated with the high generation of agricultural and forest waste, which accumulate more and more

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