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Nature-based solutions and Living Labs for rural reuse of WATER


SOLLAGUA aims to promote nature-based solutions (SBN) for water reuse in SUDOE that currently faces significant challenges related to water scarcity due to its semi-arid environment, climate change and population growth. The project will address these common challenges by implementing sustainable water management strategies in three rural communities in PT, ES and FR. The goal is to provide a more consistent water supply, while at the same time offering collateral benefits such as climate change mitigation/adaptation. The project aims to change public procurement practices by encouraging the adoption of green/innovative technologies. These changes promote a circular economy based on the reuse of wastewater at the local level, while at the same time providing a new water resource and an alternative to the classic linear scheme (end-of-pipe). This transition is particularly suitable for rural areas, generally less populated and with a weaker economy than urban areas. To achieve these objectives, capacities will be developed in SBN for the reuse of domestic wastewater and 3 study sites (demo sites) will be created. These demo sites (location, solution, capabilities,…) will be carried out through the strategy of creating a Living Lab focused on water and SBN (NB-Woll) and its action plan. The Woll will promote cooperation between governments, universities, businesses and users in an innovation environment. The NB-Woll i) will develop co-creation, ii) be oriented to the SFN with iii) adaptation to the need for water. The action plan will mobilise tools on the costs and benefits of SBNs. This will help raise awareness and show the viability of these technologies and innovations to public/private users. The project will benefit all stakeholders in water management. Transnational cooperation makes it possible to share experiences and lessons learned from the project and encourages its reproduction. The strategy will also ensure that results are aligned with the EU legal framework for re-use.

Periodo de programación:2021-2027
Fecha de inicio:01/01/2024
Fecha fin:31/12/2026
Estado: On going
Convocatoria: 1st call
Prioridad:1 - Preserving Sudoe's natural capital and adapting to climate change
Objetivo específico:SO 2.5 (...) Access to water / sustainable water management
Coste subvencionable: 1.852.309,46 euros
Ayuda FEDER: 1.389.232,10 euros


Principal Beneficiary: Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier

Nombre del beneficiario: Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier

Región: France,Midi-Pyrénées (Occitanie),Toulouse Cedex 9

Persona de contacto: Angela MOCA LICCIARDI

Email: [email protected]

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2 - Agencia de Medio Ambiente y Agua de Andalucía, Dirección de Gestión del Agua y Calidad Ambiental, Centro de Experimentación en Nuevas Tecnologías del Agua (CENTA)

Nombre del beneficiario: Agencia de Medio Ambiente y Agua de Andalucía, Dirección de Gestión del Agua y Calidad Ambiental, Centro de Experimentación en Nuevas Tecnologías del Agua (CENTA)

Región: España,Andalucía,Sevilla

Persona de contacto: Juan Ramón Pidre Bocardo

Email: [email protected]

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3 - Instituto Superior Técnico, Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Aquitectura e Georrecursos

Nombre del beneficiario: Instituto Superior Técnico, Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Aquitectura e Georrecursos

Región: Portugal,Área Metropolitana de Lisboa,Lisboa

Persona de contacto: Ana Galvao

Email: [email protected]

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Nombre del beneficiario: ECOFILAE

Región: France,Languedoc-Roussillon (Occitanie),Montpellier

Persona de contacto: Rémi DECLERCQ

Email: [email protected]

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5 - Fundació Solidaritat UB

Nombre del beneficiario: Fundació Solidaritat UB

Región: España,Cataluña,Barcelona

Persona de contacto: Antonina Torrens Armengol

Email: [email protected]

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6 - Fundación Corporación Tecnológica de Andalucía

Nombre del beneficiario: Fundación Corporación Tecnológica de Andalucía

Región: España,Andalucía,Sevilla

Persona de contacto: Rafael Castillo Barrero

Email: [email protected]

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7 - Fundación para la Sostenibilidad Energética y Ambiental

Nombre del beneficiario: Fundación para la Sostenibilidad Energética y Ambiental

Región: España,Cataluña,Barcelona

Persona de contacto: Manuel Villa Arrieta

Email: [email protected]

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8 - Consorcio para la Gestión de Servicios Medioambientales de la Diputación de Badajoz, Servicio de Comunicación y Planificación Estratégica

Nombre del beneficiario: Consorcio para la Gestión de Servicios Medioambientales de la Diputación de Badajoz, Servicio de Comunicación y Planificación Estratégica

Región: España,Extremadura,Badajoz

Persona de contacto: Pedro Tomás Martín de la Vega Manzano

Email: [email protected]

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9 - Águas do Tejo Atlântico, S.A.

Nombre del beneficiario: Águas do Tejo Atlântico, S.A.

Región: Portugal,Área Metropolitana de Lisboa,Lisboa

Persona de contacto: Rita Lourinho

Email: [email protected]

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10 - Communauté de communes Couserans-Pyrénées, Direction du Service des Eaux

Nombre del beneficiario: Communauté de communes Couserans-Pyrénées, Direction du Service des Eaux

Región: France,Midi-Pyrénées (Occitanie),SAINT LIZIER

Persona de contacto: Jean-Philippe SUBRA

Email: [email protected]

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